
All posts for the month February, 2014

Why donate umbilical cord blood to public banks?

Published February 25, 2014 by John

We all have heard in the news, shows, ads, etc. that stem cell is a very important tool for saving someone’s life. It cures many diseases. It helps in regenerating the entire immune system of the human body for those who are suffering from chronic diseases such as anemia, leukemia or any other system disorder that is a problem to the person having it. We know the uses, but still people hesitate to donate it. We know it’s a life saving tool but still the hesitation is there of donating umbilical cord blood to the public banks.

There are many reasons that parents don’t want to give away their child’s umbilical cord blood to the public banks and they are that there is lack of information, no proper equipments and above all the main reason is they want to store it for their family. This is like a life insurance to most of the families, where if anyone gets sick and is suffering from some chronic blood disease then they can use it as a life saviour. But some studies have shown that donation of umbilical cord blood is not only beneficial to the family but also to the other needy people who cannot opt to store their child’s stem cells. Read the rest of this entry →