
All posts for the month March, 2014

Best Ways of Dealing with baby cord blood

Published March 21, 2014 by John

The Baby cord blood is the blood that is extracted from the umbilical cord after the birth of your child. It is a proven by the medical practitioners that the blood in the umbilical is very rich has rich stem cells that help in Building Blood Cells in the human body. Along with the cord, placenta and the tissues around it are also rich in stem cells. This collection of the blood to get best quality of stem cells is safe, painless and does not have kind of side effects on the new born baby and the mother.

why baby cord blood

why baby cord blood

The baby cord blood is like a life savior for those might loose their lives because of some incurable diseases. These blood cells are capable of fighting the deadly diseases by generating new blood cells and removing the bad and dirty ones. Thus it is a good decision to save the baby blood which is usually considered as waste and thrown away. You have to deal with this in some simple ways. You should not throw away the baby blood which we have been doing for many years. Instead save it and while your are an expectant parent register with some good blood bank so that they are available when you are delivering your baby to collect the blood cells. They collect the blood, process it and store it for years till you need it for some use. Read the rest of this entry →

Miracles through Umbilical cord blood

Published March 21, 2014 by John

There have been so many babies born but very few of us knew the benefits that is there is the umbilical cord blood and the placenta. It was considered as dirty blood or waste and was discarded. But since, people have know the benefits they have made it a point to store the stem cells found in the umbilical cord blood cells. They contact the right bank and make sure that it is stored in the right way for future use. A research found that the stem cells found in the blood of umbilical cord helps to build new blood cells in the body and can help in curing those people who have some deadly diseases.

Stem cells are basically uniform cells that turn into different blood cells. The stem cells collected from Umbilical cord blood has been able to cure more than 70 diseases that had no cure and hope. These are of great help when you want to cure diseases like logocancer, immunity disorders, and lot more. These cells cause no harm to the body while the patient is being treated but when going through some radiation treatment or chemotherapy the cells of the body are destroyed thus making the patient very weak and vulnerable. Earlier to treat patients with these diseases it was difficult to find a bone marrow match but with the invention of stem cells life has become much simpler and people have started valuing life too Read the rest of this entry →