
All posts for the month June, 2014

How to uses of umbilical cord tissue?

Published June 24, 2014 by John

After the invention of stem cells we all know the importance of it in our lives. We know that it is a good and wise decision to save it. Umbilical cord tissue has the highest amount of stem cells research  that are a life Savior for many people. It works like magic for all those who are treated with these umbilical cord tissues. There are so many nutrients in the umbilical cord because when the lady is pregnant all the food, and nutrients she takes passes to the baby through the cord blood banking . Hence it is one of the richest source for stem cells. This is one place where you will find stem cells in abundance. Hence choose a bank that have experts to collect the cord blood and extract the stem cells with utmost care not loosing anything from it.

Cord tissue banking has become a very important decision for all parents. Seeing that parents have to take lot of pains when their child is ill or met with an accident and has got major injuries. At this time with the help of the stem cells you can save your child. So it becomes very important for all expecting parent so go for cord tissue banking. Preserve stem cell and preserve your child’s life too. This one decision of yours will never let you regret your decision. If you think saving it is no point you can donate it to the public banks so that in case you need another donors stem cells the bank will make the arrangement for you. You will benefit donating your baby’s stem cells to the public bank.

Cord tissue benefits are many like it saves a person form dying when he suffering from deadly diseases like cancer, disturbed immunity and many such problems. These tissues have the ability to make new organs and new blood cells in the patients body thus giving him new strength and a new life. So never forget the cord tissue benefits and always bank them for future use.

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What is benefits of cord blood banking

Published June 16, 2014 by John

What is cord blood?

Cord blood is found in the umbilical cord and the placenta of the baby after the baby is found. This cord blood is rich in stem cells that have been used to cure the patients with life-taking diseases. These stems cells have the ability to multiply and build new tissues and organs in the body that help the ill person to cure fast. For years we have known that stem cells can cure cancer and other diseases. But most of us didn’t know what is cord blood and its benefits. These stems cells that were earlier found only bone marrow are now found in the umbilical cord blood. If we knew its benefits earlier we would not have wasted this blood and would have had enough stem cells in stock with us.

What is cord blood banking?

Cord blood banking is a process in which the expecting parents decide to store the stem cells and contact a bank for the same. This bank is informed about the delivery date and they are available in the hospital to collect it. After they collect the blood then in their laboratory they extract the stem cells from that, process it and store it at the right temperature for up to 15 years. These banks have all the facilities that help them collect process and store the stem cells without damaging them. Parents can choose between private banking and public banking. Many parents usually ask their doctors what is cord blood banking and what will be the benefits of this. Doctors explain the benefits of it to their patients and then leave it to them to decide it.

Benefits of stem cell research

There have been many benefits of stem cell research. It has helped the doctors to save many lives. With these stem cells found in the cord blood you don’t need a perfect match; even if some percent is matching the doctors will proceed with the treatment. So you can be rest assured that you will not have to wait long to be cured if you are suffering from a deadly disease. So you should save your baby’s stem cells as it can help your baby and other family members too

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Why we need cord blood banking services for our Family?

Published June 10, 2014 by John

Cord blood banking has become a very important and crucial decision that all expecting parents must take. Like banks that help you to save your money similarly you can also do stem cell banking. There are special banks that help you to save your money and you keep these cells in perfect conditions for future use. it can be done in private as well as public banks. If you are opting for private banks then you need to contact banks that do private banking and that will help you store the umbilical cord blood stem cells with extra care and cautions. Whereas in public banks you will have to donate it and will not be able to claim any right on it. But when you need the public bank will arrange one that matches best with the patient.

Similarly you can also opt for family cord blood banking services where the bank will save the cord blood for the entire family and will give them the when they need it. A person from the same family can us the stem cells of your child if need be. When opting for these services you can be rest assured that when any of your family needs the stem cells it will be available for immediate use. You can then save your family members life. These stem cells have the potential to build new cells, tissues and organs in the patient’s body giving him a new life.

The family cord blood banks also give you an option where you can save all the family members together in one locker so that they don’t have to look in many places. A family cord blood is one of the easiest ways to get help for your relatives who come from the same family, where there is a possibility of maximum matching. It is very important to understand the importance of family while you are pregnant so that you can secure your baby’s life well in advance. Choose the right bank and get all your doubts cleared before you register with them. Make sure to have all the documents with you so that you are not cheated in any way. Also check the background of the bank once, before you finalize it. This will give you a clear picture on whether to trust them or no. so Safe your life with cord blood storage banking services

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