Value of Umbilical Cord Blood

Published February 9, 2015 by John

If you are an expecting parent, then you should be aware about the benefits of newborn baby blood cord banking services. In most cases, the umbilical cord is  clamped, cut and discarded as a medical waste. However, the blood present in the umbilical cords and the placentas are rich in stem cells, similar to those found in bone marrow. Used for treating a range of conditions including blood cancers and other genetically inherited disorders, cord blood (CB) possesses an incredible potential to save lives.


Harvesting the newborn umbilical cord blood is as simple as donating blood, which harms neither the mother nor the baby. Soon after the child  birth, the cord will be cut and the clinician will pierce the cord with a needle to draw out the blood into a sterile collection bag.  The sample is then transferred to the bank, where it is processed and frozen in liquid nitrogen for storage.

Expectant parents who are interested in saving the umbilical cord tissue and cord blood should do a detailed research to find the best family cord blood banking facility. Browse the web pages to collect details about the private cord blood banks in and around your vicinity. Or else, seek the recommendations and guidance of your doctor.

Choosing a private baby blood cord banking facility is not an easy task, especially if you have no idea about the factors to look for. Start with the background check. Enquire about their accreditation and reputation in the medical community.  Find out whether they are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for processing and storing the umbilical cord tissue and blood. Make it a point to go through the testimonials and references. Last but not the least, ask about their pricing structure.

If you are not planning to save the newborn’s umbilical cord blood because of the higher banking costs, then consider donating it to the public cord blood banks. Cord blood donated to the public banks will be used for life saving stem cell transplants and research purposes. Since now you are aware of the benefits and options available for using the child’s cord blood, it is up to you to decide whether to discard it or save it.

Resource From:

Baby Blood Cord Banking – What You Need To Know

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