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Banking Umbilical Cord Blood and Cord Tissue

Published November 18, 2015 by John

From diagnostic tools to treatment modalities, innovative advancements in the medical technology have been offering promising solutions to increase the quality of patient’s life and cure the root cause of debilitating conditions effectively. Introduction of umbilical cord blood stem cell transplants is a case in point. Umbilical cord which connects the mother to a developing fetus has mainly two layers – an outer layer of smooth muscle and inner layer made from gelatinous Wharton’s jelly. The cord has one vein and two arteries. Vein supplies oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the fetus whereas arteries take away the nutrient depleted and deoxygenated blood from the fetus.


Blood from the umbilical cord is an abundant source of multipotent Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and can be used to treat a number of life threatening conditions. Moreover, it is also used for the regenerative medicine research and clinical trials. Not just the cord blood (CB), but the umbilical cord tissue also contains Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Currently, HSCs are used to treat more than 80 diseases including leukemias, lymphomas, anemias and Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID). On the other hand, umbilical cord tissue is not yet used in the medical applications or clinical practice. However, researchers firmly believe that the cord tissue’s MSCs has the potential to treat spinal cord injuries, heart disease, arthritis, stroke, alzheimer’s and type 1 diabetes.  Several clinical trials and studies are underway to explore the promising applications and therapeutic benefits of cord tissue MSCs. And that is why medical communities consider umbilical cord blood and tissue as a precious resource.

If you are an expectant parent, then you may either choose to bank your newborn’s cord blood or donate it. You should discuss the matter with your family doctor and family member before taking a final decision. Families with a medical history of inherited diseases may opt for private cord blood banking. No matter whether you decide to bank or donate your newborn’s CB, choosing a reputed cord blood bank is significant.

Resource From:Use of Cord Blood and Cord Tissue Stem Cells

Cord Blood Banking As an Insurance Plan

Published September 29, 2015 by John

Cord blood, once discarded as medical waste has gained life-saving status these days. Blood present in the umbilical cord and placenta is a rich source of stem cells. No need to repeat the spiel about the benefits of stem cells. Also known as master cells, these units are considered as the building blocks of human body.  They are capable of dividing and renewing themselves. Though they are unspecialised, these cells can give rise to specialised tissues and cell types. These are some of the significant properties that make stem cells unique. When scientists discovered the abundant presence of stem cells in the umbilical cord tissue and cord blood, it was a milestone in the field of regenerative medicine research. Currently, cord blood stem cells are used to treat more than 80 life threatening conditions whereas the clinical application of umbilical cord tissue is yet under the experimental stage.

Cord blood or CB contains blood-forming haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and cord tissue contains mesenchymal stem cells. Blood-forming stem cells of CB are used for transplant procedure of leukaemia patients. Some of the major diseases that can be treated with cord blood include leukaemia, blood and bone marrow disorders, cancer and immune deficiencies. Cord blood stem cell transplants are a great alternative to the bone marrow transplants. Ongoing research and advancements have made the cord blood banking and treatments more popular and affordable.

Number of expectant parents opting for the private cord blood banking is rising. Majority of them bank their newborn’s CB as a type of health insurance for the child and family.  On the other hand, parents who can’t afford to bank their baby’s CB may think about donating it to a public cord bank. Stem cells donated to the public bank are not only used for life-saving transplants, but also for research and clinical trials.

Originally Published:Cord Blood Banking to Insure Your Child’s Health

What Are The Benefits Of Stem Cell Research?

Published September 16, 2015 by John

If you have heard about the stem cell research, then you might be familiar with its surrounding controversies also. Stem cells, also known as the master cells have a remarkable potential to treat many life-threatening conditions. Currently, these cells are used for various transplants and medical applications. Moreover, several clinical trials and research works are underway exploring its potential to treat even more debilitating conditions in future. Applications and benefits of stem cell research are many.

Transplants are one of the major applications of stem cell research. Master cells with renewal properties can restore the function of a damaged or dysfunctional cell. However, harvesting the master cells is not an easy task. Until recently, stem cells were collected from bone marrow for the transplants. But the discovery of cell presence in the newborn baby cord blood was a major milestone. Blood left in the placenta and umbilical cord after the child birth contains enormous number of stem cells. Both cord blood and umbilical cord tissue are harvested and stored for treatments and research purpose. Cord blood contains hematopoieticstem cells (HSCs), whereas umbilical cord tissue contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Currently newborn baby cord blood is used for treating more than eighty diseases which includes but are not limited to leukaemia, inherited blood disorders and inherited metabolic disorders.

Stem cells have the unique ability to differentiate into specialised cell types and can keep on renewing themselves. Such properties can be exploited to treat a wide range of diseases. Regenerative medicine research and studies focus on exploiting the potential of stem cells to reverse diseases. According to the scientists, stem cells can act as an ultimate body repair kit and holds the promise of strengthening body’s natural healing abilities. Some of the promising applications of cord blood banking include the treatment of spinal cord injuries, cardio vascular diseases, Parkinson’s disease, type I diabetes, genetic defects and burn victims.

Originally Published:Major Benefits of Stem Cell Research

Why You Should Consider Cord Blood Banking?

Published September 1, 2015 by John

If you are an expectant parent, then you may have heard about the baby blood cord banking. Like most people, you may be wondering about the special features of the so-called cord blood. What is cord blood and what makes it so special? Blood present in the placenta and umbilical cord is termed as cord blood (CB). In addition to the normal elements of blood such as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma, CB is rich in stem cells (Hematopoietic Stem Cells). Powerful stem cells can give rise to any tissue or organ cells of the body. Moreover, these master cells are unspecialised and can be used to replace or repair the tissues that have been damaged by diseases. Not only the cord blood, but the cord tissue also contains Mesenchymal Stem cells (MSCs) that have afforded promise in the treatment of medical conditions affecting cartilage, muscle and nerve cells. According to the scientists, cord tissue benefits and applications have a great role to play in the future of regenerative medicine research.


So now you are clear about what cord blood is. But have you ever thought how stem cells can treat the cancer conditions? Let us consider lymphoma as an example. It is a form of cancer that affects the lymphatic system (Immune system of our body). During the first stage, cancerous cells in the bone marrow are destroyed through chemotherapy and radiation procedures. The next step is to transplant the stem cells in bone marrow so that it can restore the function by producing blood forming cells and tissues of the body. As we mentioned earlier, cord blood stem cells have self-renewal properties which makes it a perfect alternative for bone marrow transplant. Moreover, umbilical cord blood possesses little risk of graft-versus-host disease which helps it to integrate with the body better. Currently, umbilical cord blood is used to treat more than 80 diseases including cancers, blood disorders, immune deficiency conditions and more. So to cut short, baby cord blood banking and cord blood donation is a life-saving medical service that you can opt for.

Resource From:What is Cord Blood Banking & Why You should opt it?

Looking Back to the First Cord Blood Transplantation

Published August 5, 2015 by John

Umbilical cord blood banking is a relatively new procedure that has been gaining wide acceptance over the past decade. Blood present in the umbilical cord and placenta is a rich source of adult stem cells. In the past, it was discarded as medical waste. But nowadays, after the child birth, the blood present in the cord is drawn to the sterile collection bank and sent to banks for storage or donation. Baby cord blood can be used to treat more than 80 diseases including cancers, blood disorders and immune deficiencies. Leukemia is one of the most common life-threatening conditions that can be treated with the umbilical cord blood stem cells. Moreover, several clinical trials are underway exploring the umbilical cord tissue benefits and therapeutic applications.  Stem cell research scientists have higher hopes that cord tissue cells can be used to treat the spinal cord injuries and heart damages in near future. So, the expectant families have three options before them – they can throw away the life-saving resource, donate it to a public bank or store it in a private bank.


Baby cord blood banking industry has been evolving rapidly over the last decade. Why not check out the milestones in stem cell research and cord blood history? The world’s first umbilical cord blood transplantation (UCBT) took place in France on October 1988. The patient was a five year old boy named Mattew Farrow suffering with Fanconi Anemia (FA). This incredible medical event was made possible through an international collaboration.  Dr. Arleen Auerbach, Dr. Hal Broxmeyer and Dr. Eliance Gluckman joined their hands to perform the first umbilical cord blood transplantation at Hospital Saint-Louis in Paris. Mattew Farrow received the donor stem cells from his newborn baby sister. Since then, the field of cord blood research and banking have come a long way and has the potential to revolutionise the field of stem cell research.

Resource From:Milestones in Baby Cord Blood Banking History

Cord Blood Banking – Why Opt for Public Donation?

Published July 21, 2015 by John

Stem cell-rich blood present in the umbilical cord of a new born is termed as cord blood (CB). Until recently, this blood was discarded along with the placenta right after the child birth. But with the recent advancements and remarkable benefits of stem cell research, scientists have discovered its life saving potential. Cord blood stem cells can be used to treat more than 80 life-threatening diseases. It is also considered as a better alternative to bone marrow transplants. Moreover, the future perspectives of CB and umbilical cord tissue look bright and promising. And that is why new-born baby’s cord blood banking has been gaining wide acceptance over the past decade. If you are an expectant parent, then you might be faced with a challenging question – whether or not to bank your baby’s cord blood and tissue? For many, the answer depends on their family medical history, financial structure and personal preference.


Most of the parents-to-be who can’t afford the higher costs of private cord blood banking may decide to discard the CB after the child birth. On the other hand, if you decide to donate the cord blood and umbilical cord tissue, then it can be a life-saving option for someone. Patients with leukemia, lymphoma or other debilitating conditions can be treated with the cord blood stem cell transplant. Donation of cord blood to a public bank is free. When you donate your newborn’s cord blood, it will be listed on the registry and provided to a patient who needs transplant quickly.

If you have decided to donate your baby’s cord blood, then you need to discuss the same with your doctor. Go through the eligibility criteria for public cord blood donation and check whether you meet them. Find more information about the list of hospitals that are tied up with the public cord blood banks so that you can work through the enrolment process.

Resource From:Why Donate Cord Blood and Tissue?

Importance of Storing or Donating Umbilical Cord Blood

Published July 3, 2015 by John

Over the last decades, stem cell banking has become a significant medical practice for the treatment of a variety of diseases. Bone marrow has been considered as the primary source of stem cells for many years. But with the recent advancements in stem cell research, scientists have found the presence of master cells in the new-born’s umbilical cord blood. In the past, the umbilical cord that act as a lifeline to the baby is cut off and disposed right after the child birth. However, the discovery of perinatal stem cell presence in cord blood and umbilical cord tissue has given it a life-saving status. Since harvesting of umbilical cord tissue and blood is safe, quick and pain-less procedure, cord blood stem cell banking has been gaining immense popularity. Currently, cord blood stem cells are used to treat more than 80 life-threatening diseases which include leukemia, lymphoma and sickle cell disease to name a few.


Families can either bank or donate their baby’s umbilical cord blood (CB) and tissue. Banking CB at a private cord blood bank may cost you a pretty penny, whereas donation to a public bank is absolutely free of cost. If you are an expectant parent, then it is important to educate yourself about the importance and medical benefits of stem cell banking. Do spend enough time in research so that you can get a better understanding about the current therapies and future treatments using CB stem cells. If you have decided to store your baby’s cord blood, then it is important to plan ahead of time. Expectant parents who can’t afford to bank the cord blood at a private facility can think about public donation, as it can save a life. Sick patients who are in need for a stem cell transplant may benefit from your CB donation. So, have a detailed discussion with your doctor and family members in order to take an informed decision.

Resource From:Umbilical Cord Blood – Store or Donate?

Uses of Cord Blood & Tissue

Published May 28, 2015 by John

The field of stem cell research have made significant stride in the recent years and the discovery of stem cell presence in umbilical cord blood was one of the remarkable achievements. Have you been thinking what exactly cord blood is? Blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta is termed as the cord blood (CB). Until recently, both the umbilical cord and placenta were discarded as medical waste right after the child birth. But during the 1970s, researchers discovered that the umbilical cord blood is a rich source of stem cells. Also known as the master cells, adult stem cells possess remarkable potential to develop into a complete array of tissue and organ cells of the body. Cord blood contains haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that are responsible for maintaining blood production in our body. On the other hand, cord tissue contains Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) that have the potential to differentiate into cartilage cells, bone cells and fat cells. Several clinical trials are underway exploring the therapeutical cord tissue benefits and applications.


Currently, umbilical cord blood is used to treat more than 80 life-threatening diseases. Some of the major conditions include cancers, blood diseases and immune deficiency disorders. HSCs present in the umbilical cord blood develop into red cells, white cells and platelets further restoring the body’s ability to produce blood. Patients with cancerous blood disorders are treated with chemotherapy or radiation, which reduces the stem cells in the bone marrow. Cord blood stem cell transplant helps to replace the damaged blood forming cells with healthy HSCs. Since the collection of cord blood is easier and probability of complications is slighter, CB transplants have become a safe and effective alternative to bone marrow stem cell transplants. On the other hand, researchers continue to investigate the therapeutical cord tissue benefits thereby offering promising hope for the treatment of several debilitating conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, stroke, spinal cord injury, diabetes and more.

Resource From:Benefits of Banking Cord Blood & Cord Tissue

Benefits of Donating Cord Blood & Tissue

Published May 25, 2015 by John

Stem cells, also known as ‘master cells’ are not only used for research purposes but are also used for clinical practices. Some of the major physical conditions that can be treated with stem cell transplants include cancers, blood disorders, congenital metabolic disorders and immunodeficiency disorders. Benefits of stem cell research are many and that is why researchers have been encouraging the storage and preservation of cord blood cells and tissues.


You can either store your newborn’s cord blood in a reliable private bank offering family cord blood services or donate it to a public bank. CB given to a private bank is processed and frozen in cryogenic storage tanks for long-term preservation. Storing the umbilical cord blood tissue can cost you a pretty penny, whereas donating the CB to a public bank is free. If you can’t afford the expensive costs of private family cord blood banking services, then it is advised to donate it rather than throwing it away. Cancer patients who need stem cell transplants might be looking for a donor and they rely on the public bank donations. Your donation to the public cord blood bank can be a life-saving match for cancer patients and can give them a second chance at life.

If you have decided to donate your baby’s cord blood and cord blood tissue, then it is important for you to sign up for the process in between the 28th and 34th week of pregnancy. Speak with your doctor for availing more information and guidance. Public cord blood banks have several set of guidelines and eligibility criteria. Go through the details before signing up for the donation. Moreover, you need to submit a consent form and also complete a questionnaire about your maternal and family health. Last but not the least, your blood sample will be collected and screened for infectious diseases in order to ensure the safety of transplant patients.

Resource From:Why Donate Cord Blood & Tissue?

What is Stem Cell Research?

Published April 8, 2015 by John

Stem cells, also known as master cells are a class of undifferentiated cells from which all other specialised cell types are developed. What is stem cell research? Doctors and researchers have been conducting several studies on the unique characteristics and properties of stem cells. Embryo and adult tissues are the major sources of stem cells. Adult stem cells are found in brain, bone marrow, blood vessels, skeletal muscles, skin and liver. Recent discovery of stem cell presence in umbilical cord blood was a new milestone in stem cell research.


Why expectant parents should think about banking or donating the cord blood? Blood found in the new-born’s umbilical cord is a rich source of stem cells. Adult stem cells found in the umbilical cord blood has the remarkable potential to divide or self-renew indefinitely. Immunologically naive hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) present in the cord blood can develop into multitude of blood cells and that is what makes it ideal for the treatment of a wide variety of disorders. Acute leukemia, aplastic anemia, hodgkin’s disease, myelodysplastic syndromes, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and sickle cell disease are some of the many diseases that can be treated with the cord blood stem cell therapies. Not just the cord blood, but cord tissue cells also offer several benefits. Treatment of spinal cord injuries, heart diseases, Parkinson’s disease, cartilage disorders and cardiovascular diseases are some of the prospective cord tissue banking benefits.

Collecting the cord blood is a quick, safe and painless procedure that poses no harm to the mother or the baby. Umbilical cord is clamped and cut right after the child birth, followed by extracting the blood to a sterile collection bag. Soon after the extraction, it is send to the cord blood bank for testing, processing and storage. Having a good knowledge about the cord blood and cord tissue banking benefits can help the expectant parents to take an informed decision.