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All posts in the stem cell category

Banking Cord Blood Stem Cells

Published January 6, 2016 by John

Expectant parents have a number of major decisions to make as they prepare to welcome the new member to family. One of the big financial decisions is about banking the cord blood. If you are wondering what is cord blood, then let us explain. The umbilical cord that connects the mother to the growing fetus is cut after the birth. A small amount of blood remains in the blood vessels of the placenta and cord even after the delivery, which is termed as cord blood. In addition to the normal elements of blood (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma), cord blood contains multipotent stem cells. These unspecialized cells with self-renewing capabilities can give rise to other cell types. However, the specialization potential of multipotent stem cells is limited to one or more cell lines. Presence of mutipotent stem cells in cord blood and cord tissues makes it life saving resource. And that is why medial communities are encouraging the expectant parents to bank or donate the cord blood rather than throwing it away. Cost of cord blood banking is worthy, especially if your family has a history of genetic disease.


Newborn’s cord blood is used for treating several life threatening disorders including several forms of leukemia, lymphoma and anemia. Hematopoietic stem cells or blood forming stem cells found in the umbilical cord blood is used as an alternative to bone marrow for transplantations. Bone marrow donation demands surgery whereas cord blood stem cell collection poses no medical risk or incisive procedures. Severe graft vs host disease (GvHD) is common with mismatched grafts of bone marrow transplants, but the chances of GvHD is less frequent and easier to treat among the cord blood transplant patients. Umbilical cord blood stem cells are used for transplants and regenerative medicine research. Scientists and experts believe that cord blood and cord tissue stem cells have the potential to revolutionize the future of medicine.

Resource From:Cord blood stem cells: Current Uses

How Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking Works?

Published December 28, 2015 by John

Umbilical cord blood stem cell banking is rapidly becoming popular among the expectant parents. Being a hot topic of discussion among the scientific and medical community, cord blood banking have been gaining immense popularity across the globe. Though the private cord blood banking prices are higher, chances your family will use the blood is low. Doctors often encourage the expectant parents to donate their newborn’s umbilical cord tissue and cord blood. Donations made to a public cord blood bank are used for several life-saving stem cell transplants and regenerative medicine therapy research. But if your family has a medical history of genetically inherited diseases such as leukaemia, lymphomas, sickle-cell anaemia, immune deficiency disorders, aplastic anaemia and thalassaemia, then you may consider banking your baby’s cord blood privately. Seeking the guidance of your family doctor is strongly recommended before taking an informed decision.

imagesWhat are the major steps involved in the cord blood stem cell banking process? If you have decided to bank your infant’s cord blood and umbilical cord tissue, then it is essential to complete the enrollment process in the early stages of pregnancy. Choose a reputed private cord blood bank and sign up for their services. A collection kit will be provided to you upon enrollment. Make it a point to inform your doctor about your cord blood banking decision. Also, remember to carry the kit with you when leaving the hospital for delivery. Right after the child birth, the cord blood and tissue is collected to the sterile bag.  Collection process is simple, safe and quick, as it neither poses any risk to mother or baby. Collected samples are couriered to the cord blood bank through specialized logistics for ensuring safe delivery. As soon as the samples reach the bank, they are individually tested and processed. Stem cells harvested from the cord blood are mixed with cryopreservatives for long term storage. Later, these stem cells are frozen down slowly and then placed inside large stainless steel tanks supplied with liquid nitrogen so that the stem cells remain preserved for decades.

Resource From:Steps For Collecting And Preserving Umbilical Cord Blood and Tissue Stem Cells

FAQs About Cord Blood & Stem Cell Research

Published December 14, 2015 by John

You might have heard about the advancements surrounding the stem cell research and increasing cord blood pricing issues. You may wonder how stem cell differs from the general human cells and why they are the subject of such vigorous debate. So let us explore more by checking the answers to some frequently asked questions about stem cells.

What are stem cells?

We can say stem cells are the body’s raw materials – the cells from which specialized cells are generated. They have a faq2remarkable potential to renew themselves through cell division which help in internal repairing. In some organs such as gut and bone marrow, the damaged cells are repaired and replaced by the stem cells on a routine basis. Another important characteristic that distinguishes stem cells from other cell types is its capability to become an organ-specific cell under certain physiologic or experimental conditions.

Why Stem cells are important and what are the benefits of stem cell research?

Unique regenerative abilities of the stem cells offer promising medical solutions in treating several debilitating conditions. According to researchers and doctors, the stem cell studies helps in availing a better understanding about how diseases develop in a human body. Regenerative medicine therapy is a remarkable initiative that revolves around the benefits of stem cell research. Since stem cells have the potential to repair and renew, it can be used to treat damaged tissues in people. Drug testing is another notable application of stem cell. Human stem cells are programmed into tissue-specific cells for testing new drugs. Safety and quality of investigational drugs are tested using such programmed stem cells in laboratory.

What are the sources of stem cells? 

Embryonic stem cells, as the name indicates are found in the embryos that are three to five days old. Bone marrow, fat and most of the adult tissues have adult stem cells. Perinatal stem cells are found in the amniotic fluid and baby’s cord blood. And that is why the medical communities are encouraging the banking of baby’s cord blood and tissue these days.

Resource From:Stem Cell Research – Some FAQs

Banking Umbilical Cord Blood and Cord Tissue

Published November 18, 2015 by John

From diagnostic tools to treatment modalities, innovative advancements in the medical technology have been offering promising solutions to increase the quality of patient’s life and cure the root cause of debilitating conditions effectively. Introduction of umbilical cord blood stem cell transplants is a case in point. Umbilical cord which connects the mother to a developing fetus has mainly two layers – an outer layer of smooth muscle and inner layer made from gelatinous Wharton’s jelly. The cord has one vein and two arteries. Vein supplies oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the fetus whereas arteries take away the nutrient depleted and deoxygenated blood from the fetus.


Blood from the umbilical cord is an abundant source of multipotent Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and can be used to treat a number of life threatening conditions. Moreover, it is also used for the regenerative medicine research and clinical trials. Not just the cord blood (CB), but the umbilical cord tissue also contains Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Currently, HSCs are used to treat more than 80 diseases including leukemias, lymphomas, anemias and Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID). On the other hand, umbilical cord tissue is not yet used in the medical applications or clinical practice. However, researchers firmly believe that the cord tissue’s MSCs has the potential to treat spinal cord injuries, heart disease, arthritis, stroke, alzheimer’s and type 1 diabetes.  Several clinical trials and studies are underway to explore the promising applications and therapeutic benefits of cord tissue MSCs. And that is why medical communities consider umbilical cord blood and tissue as a precious resource.

If you are an expectant parent, then you may either choose to bank your newborn’s cord blood or donate it. You should discuss the matter with your family doctor and family member before taking a final decision. Families with a medical history of inherited diseases may opt for private cord blood banking. No matter whether you decide to bank or donate your newborn’s CB, choosing a reputed cord blood bank is significant.

Resource From:Use of Cord Blood and Cord Tissue Stem Cells

What Are The Benefits Of Stem Cell Research?

Published September 16, 2015 by John

If you have heard about the stem cell research, then you might be familiar with its surrounding controversies also. Stem cells, also known as the master cells have a remarkable potential to treat many life-threatening conditions. Currently, these cells are used for various transplants and medical applications. Moreover, several clinical trials and research works are underway exploring its potential to treat even more debilitating conditions in future. Applications and benefits of stem cell research are many.

Transplants are one of the major applications of stem cell research. Master cells with renewal properties can restore the function of a damaged or dysfunctional cell. However, harvesting the master cells is not an easy task. Until recently, stem cells were collected from bone marrow for the transplants. But the discovery of cell presence in the newborn baby cord blood was a major milestone. Blood left in the placenta and umbilical cord after the child birth contains enormous number of stem cells. Both cord blood and umbilical cord tissue are harvested and stored for treatments and research purpose. Cord blood contains hematopoieticstem cells (HSCs), whereas umbilical cord tissue contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Currently newborn baby cord blood is used for treating more than eighty diseases which includes but are not limited to leukaemia, inherited blood disorders and inherited metabolic disorders.

Stem cells have the unique ability to differentiate into specialised cell types and can keep on renewing themselves. Such properties can be exploited to treat a wide range of diseases. Regenerative medicine research and studies focus on exploiting the potential of stem cells to reverse diseases. According to the scientists, stem cells can act as an ultimate body repair kit and holds the promise of strengthening body’s natural healing abilities. Some of the promising applications of cord blood banking include the treatment of spinal cord injuries, cardio vascular diseases, Parkinson’s disease, type I diabetes, genetic defects and burn victims.

Originally Published:Major Benefits of Stem Cell Research

FAQs on Saving Baby’s Cord Blood

Published January 20, 2015 by John

If you are contemplating with the idea of saving your newborn baby’s cord blood, you may find yourself confused with a lot of questions. So here are some top questions answered to clear out your concerns.

  1. What is cord blood?
    The blood left in the newborn’s umbilical cord and blood vessels of placenta right after the child birth is known as cord blood (CB). This blood is rich in hematopoietic stem cells and the cord tissue consists of Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
  2. What is stem cell research and how it is related to cord blood banking?
    Stem cells have the remarkable potential to become any type of specialized cell. Another significant characteristic is its self-renewing capacity, which makes it an ideal choice for degenerative medicine therapy. Stem cells are classified into embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. While embryonic stem cell research has been facing a lot of ethical controversies, researchers and scientists have been working on the adult stem cell transplants and therapies. That is when the presence of adult stem cells was discovered in umbilical cord blood, which further led to its banking.
  3. How is cord blood collected?
    Unlike the bone marrow harvest, cord blood collection is a quick and painless procedure that poses no harm to the baby or mother. Umbilical cord is clamped and cut immediately after the child birth. The blood present in the umbilical cord is drained to a gravity bag.
  4. What diseases does cord blood cure?
    Currently, CB is used to treat more than 80 life-threatening diseases and disorders. Cancer, blood disorders, immune disorders and metabolic disorders are some of them. It can also be used to treat certain set of inherited genetic conditions. Several clinical trials and research is currently  investigating the potential of CB stem cells to treat many other debilitating conditions. And that is the exact reason why physicians and scientists encourage saving newborn baby’s cord blood and also consider it as a wise investment to secure the future health of your child and  family.

You can also have a brief discussion with your doctor to find more information regarding the cord blood banking services.

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What Is Cord Blood?

Is Saving Baby Cord Blood a Wise Decision?

Published January 9, 2015 by John

Cord blood is the blood left in the placenta and umbilical cord after the child birth. Umbilical cord blood and Baby-Cord-Bloodplacenta which was  considered as a medical waste in the past has now turned out to be a life-saving resource. As per the researchers and scientists, cord blood (CB) contains stem cells that can be used for transplants and stem cell research. What is stem cell research and why CB holds significance? Scientists are interested in stem cells because of its self-renewal capacity and other remarkable features. Stem cells with their powerful regenerating capacity have  the potential to cure various life-threatening disorders. And that is the exact reason why many expectant parents are saving baby cord blood these days.

Umbilical cord blood which mainly consist of Hematopoietic stem cell or blood forming cells proves to be a great alternative to bone marrow transplant. Not just the cord blood, but umbilical cord tissue banking also holds prominence as it contains Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs). Clinical trials are underway exploring the potential applications of MSCs in treating cartilage damage, spinal cord injury and more.

Coming back to the CB applications, have you ever thought why cord blood is a better alternative over bone marrow for stem cell transplant? Here are some points that explain the reasons.

  1. Collection of CB and umbilical cord tissue banking is a non-invasive and painless procedure. Bone marrow stem cell collection on the other hand is an invasive method that is performed in a surgical setting.
  2. Cord blood units are stored in specifically designed freezers and can be used for transplants even after years. But bone marrow needs to be used fresh as it possess less shelf life. That is why saving baby cord blood provides you a long term health assurance.
  3. It is difficult to find the right bone marrow donor, while cord blood match is easier to find because of the greater Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) compatibility.

Umbilical cord blood is also used for treating ischemic vascular disease, metabolic storage diseases, hemoglobinopathies, malignant disease, neurological disorders and more.

Resource From:

Why You Should Opt for Umbilical Cord Tissue Banking?

Preserve Your baby’s cord blood tissue at authentic cord blood bank

Published November 26, 2014 by John

The hectic schedules and mechanical ways of living life has given birth to many life-threatening diseases. In order to secure the fellow beings from such diseases, a special team of medical science has researched exhaustively on umbilical cord blood tissue and what they found is medically feasible. While researching on umbilical cord blood tissue, the team had come to know about some tangible benefits of protecting new born baby’s cord tissues in highly secured laboratories. The research team found that with the help of cord blood, you can give your children solid medical protection against diabetes, cancers, bone marrow failure, blood disorders and other deadly diseases.

Therefore, saving baby’s cord blood at an authentic cord blood bank like CariCord is mandatory for those parents who strongly wish to safeguard their children against any deadly life threatening diseases. And yes, this cure is one of the rarest chances in life. You need to take the decision of saving your baby’s cord blood and preserving it safely at an authentic cord blood bank like CariCord, long before an obstetrician takes delivery of your baby. As a result all expecting parents willing to safeguard their children’s future health need to consult or approach the cord blood bank representatives for more guidance about cord tissue and cord tissue banking.

As per your choice, you can decide to store your baby’s precious cord blood at any authentic stem cell banking company. But, be sure that the bank you choose for securing your child’s umbilical cord blood is an authentic stem cell banking company. You can verify it by rechecking whether it has received AABB accreditation and FDA approval. CariCord is an FDA approved and AABB accredited cord blood bank that provides high quality processing and clean hygienic rooms for preserving your child’s valuable naval cord at quite reasonable rates. At CariCord, the lab technicians have expertise in transplanting stem cells into new cells and also they are able to rejuvenate damaged cells and thus successfully save the patient’s life. Register yourself at CariCord and feel secured about the future health of your children and loved ones.

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Preserve Your Baby’s Umbilical Cord Blood

Published November 19, 2014 by John

Medical researchers have given a marvelous gift of awesome stem cell research. After years of research and hard work, medical researchers have given us a marvelous gift in the form of stem cell research. The stem cell research is a big breakthrough in medical research as it has incredible advantages of rejuvenating patients’ life. A stem cell is an immature cell that can be transplanted into different cells. As per the researchers, stem cells are of two types: adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Stem cells are very important from the viewpoint of medical treatment as they have limitless potential of treating medical health problems. They repair the smashed cells and give life back to millions of patients.

Natural umbilical cord blood is full of rich stem cells. Soon after the birth of a child, the doctor or a representative cord-blood-19-novfrom the stem cell bank collects the cord blood from the placenta in order to store it in the bank for for future health treatments.With the use of natural umbilical cord blood, we can make treatments for many diseases and can recover patients from major diseases like Cancers, diabetes, bone marrow and other serious illnesses. With the fruitful research on the cord blood and cord tissues, medical researchers are now optimistic about its usage in the future for recovering the health of many patients in critical conditions. We are now equipped to find cure for more diseases and save millions of lives every year.

Seeing the amazing cord tissue benefits, expecting parents have started registering themselves with the AABB accredited banks. You can avail the cord tissue benefits only if you make the right choice at the right time. The right time is to register yourselves with the FDA approved cord banks before the delivery of your child. Once registered, you need to inform the cord blood bank about the expected delivery date and time, so that one of the representatives from the cord blood bank can come and collect the precious umbilical cord blood. The bank representative stores the collected umbilical cord blood in a special collection kit to be taken to the laboratory for preserving it with a high quality process so that it can be used at the time of emergency to secure your baby from any critical illness. Come out and feel the difference of, giving a gift of amazing cord tissue benefits to your baby!

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Avail Benefits of Stem cells by storing them at cord blood banks

Published November 12, 2014 by John

The recent research has shown many benefits of stem cells. Medical science always tries to improve human health by new inventions in technology as well as medicine. Recently in medicine science, researchers have come up with the umbilical cord blood therapy which has many advantages. They had spent years in research and their effort has gifted the world this therapy. Yes, there are many benefits of stem cells provided they are stored in the cryogenic condition at -196 degree centigrade. We have lost many loved ones and friends in the past due to infections from incurable and dangerous diseases. But, now it is become possible to cure those diseases with the help of stem cells.

These stem cells need to be stored in authentic umbilical cord blood banks. These authentic umbilical cord blood banks preserve newborn ca-cordbaby’s stem cells for future medical requirements. Stem cells have the potential to turn into any type of cell in the body. That’s why umbilical cord blood is important as it can treat 80 dangerous diseases like blood disorders, cancers, bone marrow, diabetes and others. Having known this fact, many expecting parents have become members of cord blood banks in order to secure their babies’ future health.

The process of collecting newborn baby’s umbilical cord blood is easy and risk-free. It just requires 20 to 25 minutes of time and a minimal investment for you to proudly secure your baby’s future health against any critical medical conditions. You need to inform your cord blood bank about your child’s expected delivery date so that they can provide you with a collection-kit for collecting your newborn baby’s umbilical cord blood. Once the cord blood is collected, they preserve this precious cord blood in clean and hygienic rooms in order to keep them safe as well as natural. So, if you wish to save your baby’s health, invest in umbilical cord blood that has been approved by FDA. Don’t you think storing your child’s umbilical cord blood is the best gift for your child?

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