Baby blood cord banking

All posts tagged Baby blood cord banking

Why You Should Consider Cord Blood Banking?

Published September 1, 2015 by John

If you are an expectant parent, then you may have heard about the baby blood cord banking. Like most people, you may be wondering about the special features of the so-called cord blood. What is cord blood and what makes it so special? Blood present in the placenta and umbilical cord is termed as cord blood (CB). In addition to the normal elements of blood such as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma, CB is rich in stem cells (Hematopoietic Stem Cells). Powerful stem cells can give rise to any tissue or organ cells of the body. Moreover, these master cells are unspecialised and can be used to replace or repair the tissues that have been damaged by diseases. Not only the cord blood, but the cord tissue also contains Mesenchymal Stem cells (MSCs) that have afforded promise in the treatment of medical conditions affecting cartilage, muscle and nerve cells. According to the scientists, cord tissue benefits and applications have a great role to play in the future of regenerative medicine research.


So now you are clear about what cord blood is. But have you ever thought how stem cells can treat the cancer conditions? Let us consider lymphoma as an example. It is a form of cancer that affects the lymphatic system (Immune system of our body). During the first stage, cancerous cells in the bone marrow are destroyed through chemotherapy and radiation procedures. The next step is to transplant the stem cells in bone marrow so that it can restore the function by producing blood forming cells and tissues of the body. As we mentioned earlier, cord blood stem cells have self-renewal properties which makes it a perfect alternative for bone marrow transplant. Moreover, umbilical cord blood possesses little risk of graft-versus-host disease which helps it to integrate with the body better. Currently, umbilical cord blood is used to treat more than 80 diseases including cancers, blood disorders, immune deficiency conditions and more. So to cut short, baby cord blood banking and cord blood donation is a life-saving medical service that you can opt for.

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Value of Umbilical Cord Blood

Published February 9, 2015 by John

If you are an expecting parent, then you should be aware about the benefits of newborn baby blood cord banking services. In most cases, the umbilical cord is  clamped, cut and discarded as a medical waste. However, the blood present in the umbilical cords and the placentas are rich in stem cells, similar to those found in bone marrow. Used for treating a range of conditions including blood cancers and other genetically inherited disorders, cord blood (CB) possesses an incredible potential to save lives.


Harvesting the newborn umbilical cord blood is as simple as donating blood, which harms neither the mother nor the baby. Soon after the child  birth, the cord will be cut and the clinician will pierce the cord with a needle to draw out the blood into a sterile collection bag.  The sample is then transferred to the bank, where it is processed and frozen in liquid nitrogen for storage.

Expectant parents who are interested in saving the umbilical cord tissue and cord blood should do a detailed research to find the best family cord blood banking facility. Browse the web pages to collect details about the private cord blood banks in and around your vicinity. Or else, seek the recommendations and guidance of your doctor.

Choosing a private baby blood cord banking facility is not an easy task, especially if you have no idea about the factors to look for. Start with the background check. Enquire about their accreditation and reputation in the medical community.  Find out whether they are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for processing and storing the umbilical cord tissue and blood. Make it a point to go through the testimonials and references. Last but not the least, ask about their pricing structure.

If you are not planning to save the newborn’s umbilical cord blood because of the higher banking costs, then consider donating it to the public cord blood banks. Cord blood donated to the public banks will be used for life saving stem cell transplants and research purposes. Since now you are aware of the benefits and options available for using the child’s cord blood, it is up to you to decide whether to discard it or save it.

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Baby Blood Cord Banking – What You Need To Know

What is the cost of cord blood banking?

Published July 10, 2014 by John

Cord blood banking is a thing that everyone should go for. It has become very important today that you save your baby’s cord blood for his future treatments and other reasons. This cord blood can help to cure patients with life taking disease. Still there are many people who are not aware of this and there are some who know of tit but cost of blood banking is what keeps them away from deciding to opt for umbilical cord blood banking. The cost of cord blood banking is not more than the life of your child. Hence all parents must go for it thinking it will help their children in the future.

The banks have very nicely managed with the cord blood banking pricing. They have various categories for storing the cord blood. So you can choose the category you feel best suits you and decide to store your baby’s cord blood accordingly. If you want you can also go for family cord blood banking as it allows the family to store their cord blood in one place. The charges for the same are on the higher side, but if you think you can afford it then you can even opt for that type of cord blood banking. There are many people who need to think a lot before they go for cord blood banking because the cord blood banking pricing can be a major issue.

The price of cord blood banking is starts with a minimal amount of $600-$2100. The charges will vary on the number of years you choose to store the stem cells of your baby. You can store you baby’s stem cells for up to 20 years. These banks have prepaid plans and other payment plans that lighten the burden not effecting your daily expenses. So you can choose the right payment options so that you don’t have to face any financial crunches later on.

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Why importance a baby umbilical cord?

Published July 8, 2014 by John

A baby umbilical cord is the main source through which the child in the womb gets nutrients, food, blood, oxygen and water. All that is sent through the umbilical cord is directly linked to the baby. This is the one connection between the child and mother. During her pregnancy every woman eats very healthy food and make sure to take the necessary supplements so that they have a healthy baby, because all they eat directly affects their child. This baby umbilical cord blood has a rich source of stem cells, that can be extracted after the birth of the child. This process is safe and easy, it takes just a few minutes.

Many people ask that why save baby cord blood. It is very important to save the baby cord blood because it is like a life insurance that will safeguard your child in the future from any kind of health related problems. Research has proved that these stem cells help to cure cancer type diseases. These were earlier found only in bone marrow and were difficult to find a perfect match but with the invention of umbilical cord stem cells saving lives of such people has become very easy. If the match is not perfect, you don’t need to worry as even a slight match can help in starting the treatment. With the ability to grow into new tissues and organs you can also get heart and kidney related diseases cured with stem cell. This is the answer to all those who asked why save baby cord blood.

There are special baby cord blood bank where you can store the stem cells for at least 15 years. While you are choosing the baby cord bank make sure to read all the term & conditions so there are no loop holes in the between. Don’t miss to read even a single page of the agreement so that they don’t bluff you later on. Also keep a copy of the same to prove your terms of agreement in case of any ambiguities in the future.

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