baby umbilical cord

All posts tagged baby umbilical cord

Avail Benefits of Stem cells by storing them at cord blood banks

Published November 12, 2014 by John

The recent research has shown many benefits of stem cells. Medical science always tries to improve human health by new inventions in technology as well as medicine. Recently in medicine science, researchers have come up with the umbilical cord blood therapy which has many advantages. They had spent years in research and their effort has gifted the world this therapy. Yes, there are many benefits of stem cells provided they are stored in the cryogenic condition at -196 degree centigrade. We have lost many loved ones and friends in the past due to infections from incurable and dangerous diseases. But, now it is become possible to cure those diseases with the help of stem cells.

These stem cells need to be stored in authentic umbilical cord blood banks. These authentic umbilical cord blood banks preserve newborn ca-cordbaby’s stem cells for future medical requirements. Stem cells have the potential to turn into any type of cell in the body. That’s why umbilical cord blood is important as it can treat 80 dangerous diseases like blood disorders, cancers, bone marrow, diabetes and others. Having known this fact, many expecting parents have become members of cord blood banks in order to secure their babies’ future health.

The process of collecting newborn baby’s umbilical cord blood is easy and risk-free. It just requires 20 to 25 minutes of time and a minimal investment for you to proudly secure your baby’s future health against any critical medical conditions. You need to inform your cord blood bank about your child’s expected delivery date so that they can provide you with a collection-kit for collecting your newborn baby’s umbilical cord blood. Once the cord blood is collected, they preserve this precious cord blood in clean and hygienic rooms in order to keep them safe as well as natural. So, if you wish to save your baby’s health, invest in umbilical cord blood that has been approved by FDA. Don’t you think storing your child’s umbilical cord blood is the best gift for your child?

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Why importance a baby umbilical cord?

Published July 8, 2014 by John

A baby umbilical cord is the main source through which the child in the womb gets nutrients, food, blood, oxygen and water. All that is sent through the umbilical cord is directly linked to the baby. This is the one connection between the child and mother. During her pregnancy every woman eats very healthy food and make sure to take the necessary supplements so that they have a healthy baby, because all they eat directly affects their child. This baby umbilical cord blood has a rich source of stem cells, that can be extracted after the birth of the child. This process is safe and easy, it takes just a few minutes.

Many people ask that why save baby cord blood. It is very important to save the baby cord blood because it is like a life insurance that will safeguard your child in the future from any kind of health related problems. Research has proved that these stem cells help to cure cancer type diseases. These were earlier found only in bone marrow and were difficult to find a perfect match but with the invention of umbilical cord stem cells saving lives of such people has become very easy. If the match is not perfect, you don’t need to worry as even a slight match can help in starting the treatment. With the ability to grow into new tissues and organs you can also get heart and kidney related diseases cured with stem cell. This is the answer to all those who asked why save baby cord blood.

There are special baby cord blood bank where you can store the stem cells for at least 15 years. While you are choosing the baby cord bank make sure to read all the term & conditions so there are no loop holes in the between. Don’t miss to read even a single page of the agreement so that they don’t bluff you later on. Also keep a copy of the same to prove your terms of agreement in case of any ambiguities in the future.

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Benefits of saving baby cord blood for future

Published April 18, 2014 by John

There are many baby cord banks available all over the city and in the country. Since it has been invented and people have got information of its benefits they have made it sure to preserve the stem cells. In the ancient days the blood that came out from the baby umbilical cord

why baby cord blood

why baby cord blood

used to be considered as waste, had they known its benefits and uses the world would have been flooded with the stock of these stem cells and there would have been baby cord banks in many cities. After the scientist did some tests and found out that the stem cells can build new cells in the body it has become easier for them to cure the people suffering from deadly diseases.

Saving baby cord blood is a very good and wise decision. If you think your family will never need it then it would be a gesture to the mankind if you donate it to the public banks. They can help the needy survive and give them a new life. With the help of the stem cells found the baby blood doctors can treat those who are suffering from leukemia, immunity problems, kidney functional problems, etc. These cells build new cells and help the patient recover soon. Thus all expecting parent should think of saving baby cord blood for future use. As you never know what is going to happen next. Read the rest of this entry →

Best Ways of Dealing with baby cord blood

Published March 21, 2014 by John

The Baby cord blood is the blood that is extracted from the umbilical cord after the birth of your child. It is a proven by the medical practitioners that the blood in the umbilical is very rich has rich stem cells that help in Building Blood Cells in the human body. Along with the cord, placenta and the tissues around it are also rich in stem cells. This collection of the blood to get best quality of stem cells is safe, painless and does not have kind of side effects on the new born baby and the mother.

why baby cord blood

why baby cord blood

The baby cord blood is like a life savior for those might loose their lives because of some incurable diseases. These blood cells are capable of fighting the deadly diseases by generating new blood cells and removing the bad and dirty ones. Thus it is a good decision to save the baby blood which is usually considered as waste and thrown away. You have to deal with this in some simple ways. You should not throw away the baby blood which we have been doing for many years. Instead save it and while your are an expectant parent register with some good blood bank so that they are available when you are delivering your baby to collect the blood cells. They collect the blood, process it and store it for years till you need it for some use. Read the rest of this entry →