Cord blood banking

All posts tagged Cord blood banking

Should Parents Opt for Private Cord Blood Banking?

Published February 1, 2016 by John

Expecting a baby is one of the beautiful yet important phases of life. Several decisions are to be made and what to do with your newborns cord blood is just one of them. Cord blood is a precious commodity that is collected from a newborn right after birth. Being a rich source of stem cells, cord blood is currently used to treat more than 80 diseases including several forms of cancers, immune disorders, blood disorders and genetically inherited diseases to mention a few. Parents may discard it, donate it to public banks or store it in a private cord blood banking facility. Storing cord blood and tissue at private banks may cost you whereas donations are free of cost. Cord blood donated to the public bank is used either for medical research or stem cell transplants.


Private cord blood banking have been gaining immense popularity in the recent times, as you can find its marketing pitches everywhere – at doctor’s waiting rooms, pregnancy related mobile apps, parenting magazines and more. The month of July is even considered as National Cord Blood Awareness Month. But according to the doctors, parents need to be very cautious when signing up for the private cord blood storage. Expectant parents need to think long and hard before taking an informed decision. Banking your newborns cord blood at a private bank is an expensive affair, as the processing fees can run from roughly $500 to $2,500 with the annual storage fees of $100 to $300 each year thereafter.

Most of the parents who opt for private cord blood banking consider it as a precious resource and biological life insurance for their kid. Even though, the chances of your child benefiting from his or her own cord blood are less than 0.04 percent. This is because the cord blood contains the same cells and genetic defects that are responsible for the diseases in the first place. So, the best case is to choose private banking only if your family has a medical history of diseases currently treatable with cord blood. Talk with your doctor in order to discuss all the possibilities and take a wise decision.

Resource From:Is Private Cord Blood Banking Worthy?

Baby’s Cord Blood – Store or Donate?

Published October 28, 2015 by John

An expectant parent needs to take a number of important decisions in order to ensure the future health of their child. What to do with the newborn’s cord blood is a case in point. Blood present in the umbilical cord is an abundant source of stem cells which makes it a valuable lifesaving resource. It can be used to treat an array of debilitating conditions such as leukaemia, lymphoma and anaemia to mention a few. And that is why cord blood banking have been gaining wide acceptance like never before. With the remarkable advancements in the stem cell research, the field of cord blood stem cell technology is all geared up to transform the regenerative medicine in many ways. Expectant parents can discard it, donate it to a public cord blood bank or store it in private cord blood banks.


You need to take several factors into consideration before taking a decision. Having a look at your family medical history is one of them. Check whether there are any heritable diseases running in your family that can be treated with cord blood. Have a brief discussion with your family members and seek the guidance of your family doctor. Private cord blood banks store your baby’s cord blood for an annual fee so that the family can use it at the time of need. If you have decided to bank your baby’s cord blood, then it is advised to do a detailed research to find an accredited and reputed family cord blood bank.

Public cord blood banks allow families to donate the blood at free of cost. Cord blood donated to such public facilities is used for transplants or medical research. No matter whether you are planning to store or donate cord blood, it is essential to check out the eligibility criteria of cord blood banking.

Resource From:Is Private Cord Blood Banking Worth the Money?

Cord Blood Banking As an Insurance Plan

Published September 29, 2015 by John

Cord blood, once discarded as medical waste has gained life-saving status these days. Blood present in the umbilical cord and placenta is a rich source of stem cells. No need to repeat the spiel about the benefits of stem cells. Also known as master cells, these units are considered as the building blocks of human body.  They are capable of dividing and renewing themselves. Though they are unspecialised, these cells can give rise to specialised tissues and cell types. These are some of the significant properties that make stem cells unique. When scientists discovered the abundant presence of stem cells in the umbilical cord tissue and cord blood, it was a milestone in the field of regenerative medicine research. Currently, cord blood stem cells are used to treat more than 80 life threatening conditions whereas the clinical application of umbilical cord tissue is yet under the experimental stage.

Cord blood or CB contains blood-forming haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and cord tissue contains mesenchymal stem cells. Blood-forming stem cells of CB are used for transplant procedure of leukaemia patients. Some of the major diseases that can be treated with cord blood include leukaemia, blood and bone marrow disorders, cancer and immune deficiencies. Cord blood stem cell transplants are a great alternative to the bone marrow transplants. Ongoing research and advancements have made the cord blood banking and treatments more popular and affordable.

Number of expectant parents opting for the private cord blood banking is rising. Majority of them bank their newborn’s CB as a type of health insurance for the child and family.  On the other hand, parents who can’t afford to bank their baby’s CB may think about donating it to a public cord bank. Stem cells donated to the public bank are not only used for life-saving transplants, but also for research and clinical trials.

Originally Published:Cord Blood Banking to Insure Your Child’s Health

Cord Blood Banking – Why Opt for Public Donation?

Published July 21, 2015 by John

Stem cell-rich blood present in the umbilical cord of a new born is termed as cord blood (CB). Until recently, this blood was discarded along with the placenta right after the child birth. But with the recent advancements and remarkable benefits of stem cell research, scientists have discovered its life saving potential. Cord blood stem cells can be used to treat more than 80 life-threatening diseases. It is also considered as a better alternative to bone marrow transplants. Moreover, the future perspectives of CB and umbilical cord tissue look bright and promising. And that is why new-born baby’s cord blood banking has been gaining wide acceptance over the past decade. If you are an expectant parent, then you might be faced with a challenging question – whether or not to bank your baby’s cord blood and tissue? For many, the answer depends on their family medical history, financial structure and personal preference.


Most of the parents-to-be who can’t afford the higher costs of private cord blood banking may decide to discard the CB after the child birth. On the other hand, if you decide to donate the cord blood and umbilical cord tissue, then it can be a life-saving option for someone. Patients with leukemia, lymphoma or other debilitating conditions can be treated with the cord blood stem cell transplant. Donation of cord blood to a public bank is free. When you donate your newborn’s cord blood, it will be listed on the registry and provided to a patient who needs transplant quickly.

If you have decided to donate your baby’s cord blood, then you need to discuss the same with your doctor. Go through the eligibility criteria for public cord blood donation and check whether you meet them. Find more information about the list of hospitals that are tied up with the public cord blood banks so that you can work through the enrolment process.

Resource From:Why Donate Cord Blood and Tissue?

Is Cord Blood Banking Worth the Price?

Published March 19, 2015 by John

Remarkable benefits of stem cell research are many and one of the major breakthroughs in the field of stem cell research and development was the discovery of stem cell presence in umbilical cord blood. This discovery led to a new practise in the medical field – cord blood banking.  If you are an expectant parent, then it is one of the most important decisions that you need to make before the birth of the baby.

Blood that remains in the placenta and umbilical cord is termed as cord blood (CB). Researchers have found out that 20the cord blood is rich in stem cells. Harvesting the cord blood right after the child birth and preserving it for long term storage is termed as umbilical cord blood banking. Valuable stem cells present in the CB has the potential to treat ischemic vascular disease, metabolic storage disease, hemoglobinopathies, neurological disorders, malignant and non-malignant diseases. Moreover, the umbilical cord blood stem cells are also used for regenerative medicine therapy.  Preserving the cord blood cells and cord tissues proves beneficial not only for the baby, but also for other members of the family. Expectant parents need to realise the remarkable benefits of stem cell research and think about banking the newborn’s umbilical cord blood, especially if your family has a medical history of genetically inherited diseases or disorders.

Private and public umbilical cord blood banking services are available. A whopping amount of money is charged by the private cord blood banks for the collection, processing and storage of CB, whereas donation of CB to a public bank is free of cost. If you have decided to bank your newborn’s cord blood in private facility, then it is strongly recommended to start the planning in advance. Do spend some extra time in research and planning, which will help you in finding the best family cord blood banking services. Expectant parents who can’t afford the higher private cord blood banking prices can donate the baby’s cord blood to public banks so that it will be available for free to anyone who needs it.

Resource From:Is the Cord Blood Banking Cost Worth it?

Why Donate Umbilical Cord Blood to a Public Bank?

Published February 17, 2015 by John

Discovery about the presence of stem cells in the umbilical cord blood  is a new milestone achieved in the stem cell research. This new medical promise of treating illness with stem cell cord blood has drawn the attention of the public. If you are still wondering what exactly this cord blood is and what is cord tissue, let us explain it in the layman terms. Blood present in the umbilical cord is termed as cord blood, whereas the tissue of the umbilical cord is termed as cord tissue. Both the cord blood and tissue were discarded right after the child birth in previous times, but now it has achieved a life saving status.


If you are an expectant parent, then it is essential to decide whether or not to bank your newborn’s umbilical cord blood and tissue. You have to collect as much information as possible about the cord blood banking and its benefits. More than just defining what is cord tissue or what cord blood is, you should figure out how it will prove beneficial in protecting your family’s long-term health. Searching over the web pages or having a brief discussion with your doctor will help you in collecting all the necessary information. Once you have realised about the value of saving your newborn’s cord blood, then it is time to decide whether to bank it or donate it. You have to choose between private and public umbilical cord blood banks.

Storing your baby’s cord blood at a private umbilical cord blood bank has several set of advantages, especially if your family has any sort of genetically inherited disorders or ailments. The cord blood you stored at the private bank can be used for your child or it can also  be a close match for any of your family member if he or she ever needs it for stem cell transplants or therapeutic treatments. However, expectant parents who can’t afford the high cord blood pricing or simply don’t want to bank it can think about donating the cord blood to public banks. Umbilical cord blood donated to the public banks will be either used for life-saving transplants or medical research purpose. No matter whether you decide to bank it or donate it, make it a point to check with your doctor for the availability of medical facilities.

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Private and Public Umbilical Cord Blood Banks

FAQs on Saving Baby’s Cord Blood

Published January 20, 2015 by John

If you are contemplating with the idea of saving your newborn baby’s cord blood, you may find yourself confused with a lot of questions. So here are some top questions answered to clear out your concerns.

  1. What is cord blood?
    The blood left in the newborn’s umbilical cord and blood vessels of placenta right after the child birth is known as cord blood (CB). This blood is rich in hematopoietic stem cells and the cord tissue consists of Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
  2. What is stem cell research and how it is related to cord blood banking?
    Stem cells have the remarkable potential to become any type of specialized cell. Another significant characteristic is its self-renewing capacity, which makes it an ideal choice for degenerative medicine therapy. Stem cells are classified into embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. While embryonic stem cell research has been facing a lot of ethical controversies, researchers and scientists have been working on the adult stem cell transplants and therapies. That is when the presence of adult stem cells was discovered in umbilical cord blood, which further led to its banking.
  3. How is cord blood collected?
    Unlike the bone marrow harvest, cord blood collection is a quick and painless procedure that poses no harm to the baby or mother. Umbilical cord is clamped and cut immediately after the child birth. The blood present in the umbilical cord is drained to a gravity bag.
  4. What diseases does cord blood cure?
    Currently, CB is used to treat more than 80 life-threatening diseases and disorders. Cancer, blood disorders, immune disorders and metabolic disorders are some of them. It can also be used to treat certain set of inherited genetic conditions. Several clinical trials and research is currently  investigating the potential of CB stem cells to treat many other debilitating conditions. And that is the exact reason why physicians and scientists encourage saving newborn baby’s cord blood and also consider it as a wise investment to secure the future health of your child and  family.

You can also have a brief discussion with your doctor to find more information regarding the cord blood banking services.

Resource From:

What Is Cord Blood?

What is Benefit of Cord Blood Banking For Your Family?

Published December 19, 2014 by John

Stem cell treatment has been a controversial topic over the last decade. Advanced stem cell research findings have been offering a promising approach to revolutionise the future of medicine. Why the medical community thinks stem cells have the potential to treat serious diseases affecting the world? Unique properties of these master cells make it a limitless internal repair system. Self renewal, differentiation and unspecialized nature are some of the noteworthy features. Sources of stem cells include embryos, adult tissues and amniotic fluid. While embryonic stem cell research has been surrounded by ethical arguments and debates, scientists are successful in using the umbilical cord blood stem cells for transplants.

With the recent findings about the benefits of baby’s umbilical cord blood, researchers have been encouraging theStem Cell Research medical community and parents to bank it. Cord blood that is collected immediately after child birth is rich with stem cells. The process of extracting and preserving the extra blood found in umbilical cord and placenta is termed as umbilical cord blood banking. Amount of stem cells found in cord blood is much higher than those found in the bone marrow, which make it a perfect choice for transplants.  Moreover, harvesting the cord blood or tissue poses no risks as it neither hurts the mother nor the newborn. Nowadays, many parents are saving their child’s cord blood and valuable cord blood tissues with a long-term vision.

Private and public umbilical cord blood banking are available. Storing of cord blood may cost some dollars. However, parents can even think about donating the cord blood which may be a life-saving solution for transplant patients. Both the cord blood and cord tissue is enriched with stem cells, but they function differently. Cord blood contains Hematopoietic stem cells which develop into blood-related cells in body, while the umbilical cord blood tissues contain Mesenchymal stem cells which develop into structural and connective tissues. Both the stem cells are subjected to different clinical trials and holds the promise of curing several diseases such as spinal cord injury, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s’ disease, Alzheimer’s , lung disease, arthritis and organ failure. So think about taking the advantages of ongoing medical discoveries and opt for cord blood banking.

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Why You Should Consider Banking Cord Blood?

What is cord blood?

Published December 4, 2014 by John

With the success in the research of placenta blood therapy, researchers have now achieved a big mile stone in medical science. Many among us still do not have a clear knowledge about what is cord blood. In simple lay man words, cord blood is the blood found in the umbilical cord. It is a sample of blood that is taken from a baby’s naval cord after its birth. Once the child is born the obstetrician cuts the cord connecting the baby with its mother. The blood found in the umbilical cord or the placenta after separating the baby from its mother is known as cord blood. It is very important for any expecting parent to know what is cord blood before deciding to preserve their child’s s cord blood at any stem cell bank. Unlike other cord banks, we at provide our customers with the truthful information about the stem cells and cord tissue therapy.


For us, each and every expecting parent is of high importance. Not because they invest bucks at our umbilical cord blood banking laboratory, but because they have taken the right and significant decision of gifting the most precious gift to their children’s, we firmly believe that an investment in cord blood banking is a worthwhile step as it simply means to secure your little baby’s future health against 80 deadly diseases including diabetes, bone marrow failure, blood disorders, cancers and many other. CariCord is one of its kind cord tissue banking laboratory that has 10,000 clean and well maintained hygienic rooms for preserving your baby’s cord tissues for more than 15 years at quite reasonable rates.

Hopefully you would have now clearly understood the answer to the question, why save baby’s cord blood? By storing the cord tissues, you are simply securing the health of all your family members. Stem cell therapy offers immense advantages which we never had before. We lost many of our loved one in the past years due to infections from deadly incurable diseases. But now with the success in umbilical therapy, we now have the facility of protecting our loved ones. Also, with the help of stem cells, we can now successfully replace the damaged cells with new cells, providing a lease of life to the patient’s. So, don’t you think this therapy is very powerful and has the potential of securing your families health against any critical medical situation! Many expecting parents have understood its importance and have started registering themselves with FDA approved cord banks like CariCord, without having any doubts about why save baby’s cord blood. The ball is now in your court. Your one decision with a small investment can secure the future health of your precious children’s and loved ones.

Resource From:

Why you need to save your baby’s cord blood?

Cord Blood Banking is a great Future Health Option

Published October 28, 2014 by John

The latest research in the Stem Cell Transplant shows many advantages of good cord blood banking. Stem cells have potential of treating many diseases and they can cure patients from Cancers, Diabetes, Blood Disorders and other critical illnesses. After this update, the educated parents have started preserving their little babies’ umbilical cord blood at good cord blood banking with amazing responses. “I gave my daughter and grandsonCCB_MiniContact_0314_01 the gift of cord blood banking. It could be far more valuable someday than a stroller if he ever needs it” – A CariCord Grandpa – Houston, TX. This is one of the best gifts any parent can give to his/her children.

The specially trained lab technicians take utmost care of precious baby’s cord blood. They store precious baby’s cord blood in clean rooms after quality processing. By storing the cord tissue, parents secure future health of family members and in any critical condition; you can surely make use of it for treating any of dangerous disease. The researchers and expert team of doctors have found this new method of treating deadly diseases. There are many patients who have recovered from the disease just by using umbilical cord blood therapy.

If you want to protect your children’s future health, you need to preserve cord tissues by paying cord blood banking prices. The private banks store these stem cells as per the regulations of the FDA and they take cord blood banking prices depending on services or plans you avail. The public cord blood bank accepts umbilical cord blood from the donors. Just a little investment for your children and you feel restful about his/her future health. It is really a wonderful invention by the researchers for the fellow beings. Be a proud parent by storing stem cells at accredited cord blood banks and lead a happy life.

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