cord blood pricing

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FAQs About Cord Blood & Stem Cell Research

Published December 14, 2015 by John

You might have heard about the advancements surrounding the stem cell research and increasing cord blood pricing issues. You may wonder how stem cell differs from the general human cells and why they are the subject of such vigorous debate. So let us explore more by checking the answers to some frequently asked questions about stem cells.

What are stem cells?

We can say stem cells are the body’s raw materials – the cells from which specialized cells are generated. They have a faq2remarkable potential to renew themselves through cell division which help in internal repairing. In some organs such as gut and bone marrow, the damaged cells are repaired and replaced by the stem cells on a routine basis. Another important characteristic that distinguishes stem cells from other cell types is its capability to become an organ-specific cell under certain physiologic or experimental conditions.

Why Stem cells are important and what are the benefits of stem cell research?

Unique regenerative abilities of the stem cells offer promising medical solutions in treating several debilitating conditions. According to researchers and doctors, the stem cell studies helps in availing a better understanding about how diseases develop in a human body. Regenerative medicine therapy is a remarkable initiative that revolves around the benefits of stem cell research. Since stem cells have the potential to repair and renew, it can be used to treat damaged tissues in people. Drug testing is another notable application of stem cell. Human stem cells are programmed into tissue-specific cells for testing new drugs. Safety and quality of investigational drugs are tested using such programmed stem cells in laboratory.

What are the sources of stem cells? 

Embryonic stem cells, as the name indicates are found in the embryos that are three to five days old. Bone marrow, fat and most of the adult tissues have adult stem cells. Perinatal stem cells are found in the amniotic fluid and baby’s cord blood. And that is why the medical communities are encouraging the banking of baby’s cord blood and tissue these days.

Resource From:Stem Cell Research – Some FAQs

Things You Need to Know About Cord Blood Donation

Published May 7, 2015 by John

Great advancements have been reported in the field of stem cell research in the recent years. With several research and clinical trials underway, the future of stem cell banking and regenerative medicine therapy looks promising. While embryonic stem cell research is surrounded by ethical controversies and moral hazards, scientists have been shifting their focus to alternate sources of stem cells. That is how umbilical cord stem cell banking gained its name and fame over the past decade. Presence of the master cells in the new born baby’s cord blood was a new milestone in the history of stem cell banking and research. But the topic of cord blood banking is confusing for both the expectant parents and the medical community.

The most important thing which  the expectant parents should know about their newborn’s cord blood is that it has 21an immense potential to treat more than 80 life threatening conditions including different forms of cancer, inherited metabolic disorders and other debilitating diseases. Newborn baby’s cord blood contains Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) which develop into blood-related cells in the body, while the cord tissue contains Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) which develops into structural and connective tissues. Both the HSCs and MSCs are subjected to a set of progressive clinical trials and is expected to cure several disorders such as spinal cord injury, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s’disease, Alzheimer’s , lung disease, arthritis and organ failures.

Expectant parents can either donate or store their baby’s umbilical cord blood. If you donate the cord blood, then it will be stored in a public banking facility. Patients who are in need for stem cell transplants are benefitted from the cord blood stored in the public banks. When you want your baby’s cord blood stored for you and your family, then private banking is the ideal option. Both the private and public cord blood banking facilities work in compliance with the federal regulations and meet stringent quality standards. Expectant parents who find it hard to afford the highly expensive private cord blood pricing may think about the public bank donations, where it can be used to treat someone else.

Resource From:Donating Your Baby’s Cord Blood

Why Donate Umbilical Cord Blood to a Public Bank?

Published February 17, 2015 by John

Discovery about the presence of stem cells in the umbilical cord blood  is a new milestone achieved in the stem cell research. This new medical promise of treating illness with stem cell cord blood has drawn the attention of the public. If you are still wondering what exactly this cord blood is and what is cord tissue, let us explain it in the layman terms. Blood present in the umbilical cord is termed as cord blood, whereas the tissue of the umbilical cord is termed as cord tissue. Both the cord blood and tissue were discarded right after the child birth in previous times, but now it has achieved a life saving status.


If you are an expectant parent, then it is essential to decide whether or not to bank your newborn’s umbilical cord blood and tissue. You have to collect as much information as possible about the cord blood banking and its benefits. More than just defining what is cord tissue or what cord blood is, you should figure out how it will prove beneficial in protecting your family’s long-term health. Searching over the web pages or having a brief discussion with your doctor will help you in collecting all the necessary information. Once you have realised about the value of saving your newborn’s cord blood, then it is time to decide whether to bank it or donate it. You have to choose between private and public umbilical cord blood banks.

Storing your baby’s cord blood at a private umbilical cord blood bank has several set of advantages, especially if your family has any sort of genetically inherited disorders or ailments. The cord blood you stored at the private bank can be used for your child or it can also  be a close match for any of your family member if he or she ever needs it for stem cell transplants or therapeutic treatments. However, expectant parents who can’t afford the high cord blood pricing or simply don’t want to bank it can think about donating the cord blood to public banks. Umbilical cord blood donated to the public banks will be either used for life-saving transplants or medical research purpose. No matter whether you decide to bank it or donate it, make it a point to check with your doctor for the availability of medical facilities.

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Private and Public Umbilical Cord Blood Banks

Why Save Cord Blood?

Published December 24, 2014 by John

Stem cell research, an all time controversial topic has witnessed a new development with the discovery of stem cell presence in the umbilical cord blood. Broadly classified into either adult or embryonic, stem cells have a remarkable potential of renewing themselves. Where the embryonic stem cells (ESC) possess a far greater differentiation potential in becoming the cell of any human body, the adult stem cells on the other hand are  partly committed to different cell fates. However, scientists have been striving hard to reprogram the functionalities of adult cells thereby making these cells suitable for treating different diseases. The  real challenge faced by the scientists is to collect adult stem cells, which is very rare in the mature tissues. But with the recent discovery about the existence of adult stem cells in umbilical cord blood, many doctors and researchers are now supporting the choice of banking it.

Umbilical cord and placenta which were  thrown away post the child birth until recently, have now turned out to be of valuable resource for medical research and life saving treatments. Public and private banking choices are available for preserving the umbilical cord. Parents who can’t afford the expensive cord blood pricing of private banks can donate the valuable stem cell enriched cord blood to the public banks. Donated cord blood will be used for transplants and medical research purposes.  Extracting the umbilical cord blood is a harmless procedure that  neither harms the mother  nor the new born. Storing the cord tissue and blood at a competitive cord blood pricing in private banks will be a long term investment for your child’s future.

If you are still wondering why save baby cord blood, here are some reasons you should know. Stem cells found in the cord blood have a remarkable potential to treat many forms of cancer, inherited metabolic disorders and other debilitating diseases. Even doctors prefer collecting cord blood as an alternative to bone marrow for stem cell transplant because it doesn’t require a perfect match and is less invasive. Families, especially with a genetic history of any sort of disorders are strongly advised to bank the umbilical cord tissue and blood. Stem cell research, being an ongoing field of research has been exploring groundbreaking ways to harness the healing power of cord blood.

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Why Save Baby Cord Blood?

Can Cord Tissue save a Patient’s Life?

Published October 8, 2014 by John

Umbilical Cord blood is life. Its charismatic power can save lives of patients from the most dangerous diseases. Due to its characteristics, many parents and expecting parents have become lifetime members of CariCord, a private cord blood bank and they provided secure and safe future for their new generations. Umbilical Cord blood is full of stem cells that can give birth to new cells in the human body. It can also repair the decayed cells and can rejuvenate them after the proper transplantation. The researchers had given years to find life emerging potentiality in the birth cord. At CariCord, the lab technicians provide quality process for preserving the cord blood.


The experienced technicians and the physicians have expertise of transplanting the stem cells in the patient’s body and regenerate new cells. The natural cord tissue must be collected at the time of delivery and then it is safely placed in a collection-kit so that it remains innate. The process of collecting this natural cord tissue hardly takes 20-25 minutes. Also, it is a painless procedure for both the child and the mother. Today, many private banks offer excellent storage facilities at affordable rates.

However, always ensure to preserve your baby’s stem cells in an accredited cord blood bank. You can find variations in cord blood pricing. The FDA approved banks have higher cord blood pricing in comparison to the unauthorized banks. Therefore, before registering your memberships with any of the banks, verify if the cord blood bank company follows the FDA standards. It is once in a lifetime opportunity. So, consult your gynecologists or the health-providers and seek proper guidance from them. After all, it is a question of your children’s future health. If you get quality processing and lifetime storage of baby’s cord blood by investing a little more what could be better then it! The trusted & premier private bank understands that a baby’s life is more important than anything else.

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Affordable Cord Blood Pricing for Family Health

Published September 22, 2014 by John

The 21st century had shown many innovations that have redefined the human living standards. The cord blood is one of them. In earlier days, the society had no knowledge about the usage of the placenta blood and they used to consider it as the medical wastage. But, because of the scientific innovation of it, today, the whole of the humanity comes to know about the power of cord blood and all have started to preserve the newborn baby’s stem cells in the public or private banks.

22-SepThe researchers have done lots of experiments and finally they said that the umbilical cord blood can treat more than 80 critical diseases. So, it is necessary to preserve them in any of the banks. There are many cord tissue banking benefits. One of them is it recovers life against Cancer, Bone Marrow Failure, Diabetes and other deadly diseases. The public and the private banks are making the people aware about the cord tissue banking benefits. They spread awareness. If the parents preserve the baby’s cord tissue in the authorized bank, they will be able to secure their family’s future-health. Yes, the umbilical cord tissue can repair the damaged cells in the human body and rejuvenate patient’s life.

Depending on the facilities, the banks have different cord blood pricing. The public bank has no cord blood pricing as it accepts the cord tissue from the donors. The private banks preserve the stem cells for nearly 20 long years and protect your family from health issues. The cord tissues are the richest source of stem cells that has the power to generate new cells as per the necessity like blood cells, bone cells, etc. The authorized private banks have been accredited by the FDA and these banks follow the quality parameters set by the AABB. The placenta blood is a safeguard of the family and it secures baby’s future health.

Read More About Caricord:

What are The Benefits of Stem Cells?

Published September 10, 2014 by John

Change is the law of nature. This proverb perfectly matches with the latest innovations taken place in the medical field. The experts and the researchers had found the marvelous benefits of stem cells. And with the help of their findings, they said that the umbilical cord blood of a newborn baby is a rich source of natural cells and it can treat many diseases like leukemia, lymphoma, autoimmune, cancer, diabetes and blood disorders. Seeing the marvelous benefits of stem cells, the physicians and the researchers are very positive about saving lives of millions. With the perfect amalgamation of technology, the medical experts are able to give life back to the cancer patients.


25 years ago, many of the health-providers were not aware about the usage of the navel cord or the umbilical cord blood. But, thanks to the researchers and the experts who had discovered the positive usage of the cord tissue. This is one of the notable innovations. The umbilical cord blood secures the health of the family members. And with the proper storage facility, the cord tissue can be maintained in its natural condition for 15 years.

The private cord blood banks take charges for preserving the placenta blood. Depending on the facilities, the cord blood pricing varies. The FDA approved umbilical cord banking companies have higher cord blood pricing in comparison to the other cord tissue banks because they strictly follow the standard guidelines and they provide hygienic and quality storage rooms. As soon as the expecting parents register with the authorized banks, they do inform them about the usage of the umbilical cord blood. Moreover, the cord tissue can treat the siblings from the dangerous diseases. So, it is one of the best ways of securing family health in advance. That is why it is said that prevention is always better than cure.

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What is the cost of cord blood banking?

Published July 10, 2014 by John

Cord blood banking is a thing that everyone should go for. It has become very important today that you save your baby’s cord blood for his future treatments and other reasons. This cord blood can help to cure patients with life taking disease. Still there are many people who are not aware of this and there are some who know of tit but cost of blood banking is what keeps them away from deciding to opt for umbilical cord blood banking. The cost of cord blood banking is not more than the life of your child. Hence all parents must go for it thinking it will help their children in the future.

The banks have very nicely managed with the cord blood banking pricing. They have various categories for storing the cord blood. So you can choose the category you feel best suits you and decide to store your baby’s cord blood accordingly. If you want you can also go for family cord blood banking as it allows the family to store their cord blood in one place. The charges for the same are on the higher side, but if you think you can afford it then you can even opt for that type of cord blood banking. There are many people who need to think a lot before they go for cord blood banking because the cord blood banking pricing can be a major issue.

The price of cord blood banking is starts with a minimal amount of $600-$2100. The charges will vary on the number of years you choose to store the stem cells of your baby. You can store you baby’s stem cells for up to 20 years. These banks have prepaid plans and other payment plans that lighten the burden not effecting your daily expenses. So you can choose the right payment options so that you don’t have to face any financial crunches later on.

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