Cord tissue benefits

All posts tagged Cord tissue benefits

Importance of Umbilical Cord Tissue

Published November 24, 2015 by John

Why save baby cord blood? What are its benefits? Is it worth the money? Blood present in the baby’s umbilical cord contains stem cells. Multipotent adult stem cells present in the umbilical cord blood make it a precious resource in the medical and research field. And that is why baby’s cord blood, which was once discarded as medical waste, is now collected and saved for long term storage. The first human transplant using cord stem cells was performed in 1988. It was for treating Fanconi anemia – an inherited disease that mainly affects the bone marrow. Cord blood that was used to treat only one disease at that time can now treat nearly 80 diseases.


Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) present in the baby cord blood can be used to restore the damaged blood cells in our body. Developed from mesodermal hemangioblast cells, HSCs are self-renewing progenitor cells that has the potential to generate multitude of cell types found in the blood stream including red blood cells, white blood cells and megakaryocytes. Hematologic and nonhematologic cancers, autoimmune disorders, various forms of anemia and immunodeficiency disorders can be treated with the cord blood Hematopoietic stem cell transplants (HSCTs). Why cord blood stem cell transplants are gaining wide acceptance in the medical community? Cord blood stem cell transplants require a less-stringent HLA match and carry a lower risk of graft-vs-host disease. Moreover, the transplant outcomes are more effective and better with cord blood applications when compared to other transplant methods.

Stem cells are not only present in the cord blood, but also in the surrounding tissue.  Umbilical cord tissue is a rich source of Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). This type of multipotent connective tissue cells can develop into a variety of cell types such as bone cells, cartilage cells, muscle cells and fat cells. Many scientists are striving harder to discover the cord tissue benefits and applications. Currently research and clinical trials are going on to better understand the potential of cord tissue. According to the scientists, cord tissue MSCs can be used to treat Liver fibrosis, Parkinson’s disease, Rheumatoid arthritis and lung cancer to name a few.

Resource From:Why Save Your Baby’s Cord Blood?

Why You Should Consider Cord Blood Banking?

Published September 1, 2015 by John

If you are an expectant parent, then you may have heard about the baby blood cord banking. Like most people, you may be wondering about the special features of the so-called cord blood. What is cord blood and what makes it so special? Blood present in the placenta and umbilical cord is termed as cord blood (CB). In addition to the normal elements of blood such as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma, CB is rich in stem cells (Hematopoietic Stem Cells). Powerful stem cells can give rise to any tissue or organ cells of the body. Moreover, these master cells are unspecialised and can be used to replace or repair the tissues that have been damaged by diseases. Not only the cord blood, but the cord tissue also contains Mesenchymal Stem cells (MSCs) that have afforded promise in the treatment of medical conditions affecting cartilage, muscle and nerve cells. According to the scientists, cord tissue benefits and applications have a great role to play in the future of regenerative medicine research.


So now you are clear about what cord blood is. But have you ever thought how stem cells can treat the cancer conditions? Let us consider lymphoma as an example. It is a form of cancer that affects the lymphatic system (Immune system of our body). During the first stage, cancerous cells in the bone marrow are destroyed through chemotherapy and radiation procedures. The next step is to transplant the stem cells in bone marrow so that it can restore the function by producing blood forming cells and tissues of the body. As we mentioned earlier, cord blood stem cells have self-renewal properties which makes it a perfect alternative for bone marrow transplant. Moreover, umbilical cord blood possesses little risk of graft-versus-host disease which helps it to integrate with the body better. Currently, umbilical cord blood is used to treat more than 80 diseases including cancers, blood disorders, immune deficiency conditions and more. So to cut short, baby cord blood banking and cord blood donation is a life-saving medical service that you can opt for.

Resource From:What is Cord Blood Banking & Why You should opt it?

Looking Back to the First Cord Blood Transplantation

Published August 5, 2015 by John

Umbilical cord blood banking is a relatively new procedure that has been gaining wide acceptance over the past decade. Blood present in the umbilical cord and placenta is a rich source of adult stem cells. In the past, it was discarded as medical waste. But nowadays, after the child birth, the blood present in the cord is drawn to the sterile collection bank and sent to banks for storage or donation. Baby cord blood can be used to treat more than 80 diseases including cancers, blood disorders and immune deficiencies. Leukemia is one of the most common life-threatening conditions that can be treated with the umbilical cord blood stem cells. Moreover, several clinical trials are underway exploring the umbilical cord tissue benefits and therapeutic applications.  Stem cell research scientists have higher hopes that cord tissue cells can be used to treat the spinal cord injuries and heart damages in near future. So, the expectant families have three options before them – they can throw away the life-saving resource, donate it to a public bank or store it in a private bank.


Baby cord blood banking industry has been evolving rapidly over the last decade. Why not check out the milestones in stem cell research and cord blood history? The world’s first umbilical cord blood transplantation (UCBT) took place in France on October 1988. The patient was a five year old boy named Mattew Farrow suffering with Fanconi Anemia (FA). This incredible medical event was made possible through an international collaboration.  Dr. Arleen Auerbach, Dr. Hal Broxmeyer and Dr. Eliance Gluckman joined their hands to perform the first umbilical cord blood transplantation at Hospital Saint-Louis in Paris. Mattew Farrow received the donor stem cells from his newborn baby sister. Since then, the field of cord blood research and banking have come a long way and has the potential to revolutionise the field of stem cell research.

Resource From:Milestones in Baby Cord Blood Banking History

Uses of Cord Blood & Tissue

Published May 28, 2015 by John

The field of stem cell research have made significant stride in the recent years and the discovery of stem cell presence in umbilical cord blood was one of the remarkable achievements. Have you been thinking what exactly cord blood is? Blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta is termed as the cord blood (CB). Until recently, both the umbilical cord and placenta were discarded as medical waste right after the child birth. But during the 1970s, researchers discovered that the umbilical cord blood is a rich source of stem cells. Also known as the master cells, adult stem cells possess remarkable potential to develop into a complete array of tissue and organ cells of the body. Cord blood contains haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that are responsible for maintaining blood production in our body. On the other hand, cord tissue contains Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) that have the potential to differentiate into cartilage cells, bone cells and fat cells. Several clinical trials are underway exploring the therapeutical cord tissue benefits and applications.


Currently, umbilical cord blood is used to treat more than 80 life-threatening diseases. Some of the major conditions include cancers, blood diseases and immune deficiency disorders. HSCs present in the umbilical cord blood develop into red cells, white cells and platelets further restoring the body’s ability to produce blood. Patients with cancerous blood disorders are treated with chemotherapy or radiation, which reduces the stem cells in the bone marrow. Cord blood stem cell transplant helps to replace the damaged blood forming cells with healthy HSCs. Since the collection of cord blood is easier and probability of complications is slighter, CB transplants have become a safe and effective alternative to bone marrow stem cell transplants. On the other hand, researchers continue to investigate the therapeutical cord tissue benefits thereby offering promising hope for the treatment of several debilitating conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, stroke, spinal cord injury, diabetes and more.

Resource From:Benefits of Banking Cord Blood & Cord Tissue

Cord Tissue Benefits You Need to Know

Published March 11, 2015 by John

Umbilical cord and placenta, which was once discarded as  a medical waste, has currently turned out to be the life-saving material. Stem cell banking using the cord blood cells has gained immense popularity across the globe. Unlike the embryonic stem cell research, cord blood stem cell banking doesn’t have any ethical controversies or complexities surrounding them.

Cord blood is a rich source of hematopoietic stem cells, which has the remarkable potential to treat more than 8004 diseases including but not limited to cancers, blood disorders, immune disorders, metabolic disorders and inherited diseases. Moreover, it is also considered as a safe and effective alternative to bone  marrow during the stem cell transplants. That is why majority of the doctors and researchers have been encouraging the expectant parents to bank their newborn baby’s cord blood. Public and private cord blood banking facilities are available from which the expectant parents can make their pick. If you are planning to bank your newborn baby’s cord blood for personal use by the family, then private cord blood bank facilities can help you out. However, you have to pay the initial processing and long term storage fees. On the other hand, you can also decide to donate the cord blood for regenerative medicine research or stem cell transplant purpose, at free of cost. If you choose the later, then you need to get in touch with a public cord blood bank.

Not just the cord blood, but the cord tissue also contains stem cells which has the power to treat debilitating conditions. Several clinical trials are underway exploring the umbilical cord tissue benefits. According to the researchers, hematopoietic stem cells present in the cord tissue has the potential to treat the medical conditions affecting cartilage, muscle and nerve cells. Expectant parents having a clear understanding about the cord blood and umbilical cord tissue benefits need to think through decisions.

Resource From:Reasons to Save Baby’s Cord Blood & Tissue

Preserve Your Baby’s Umbilical Cord Blood

Published November 19, 2014 by John

Medical researchers have given a marvelous gift of awesome stem cell research. After years of research and hard work, medical researchers have given us a marvelous gift in the form of stem cell research. The stem cell research is a big breakthrough in medical research as it has incredible advantages of rejuvenating patients’ life. A stem cell is an immature cell that can be transplanted into different cells. As per the researchers, stem cells are of two types: adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Stem cells are very important from the viewpoint of medical treatment as they have limitless potential of treating medical health problems. They repair the smashed cells and give life back to millions of patients.

Natural umbilical cord blood is full of rich stem cells. Soon after the birth of a child, the doctor or a representative cord-blood-19-novfrom the stem cell bank collects the cord blood from the placenta in order to store it in the bank for for future health treatments.With the use of natural umbilical cord blood, we can make treatments for many diseases and can recover patients from major diseases like Cancers, diabetes, bone marrow and other serious illnesses. With the fruitful research on the cord blood and cord tissues, medical researchers are now optimistic about its usage in the future for recovering the health of many patients in critical conditions. We are now equipped to find cure for more diseases and save millions of lives every year.

Seeing the amazing cord tissue benefits, expecting parents have started registering themselves with the AABB accredited banks. You can avail the cord tissue benefits only if you make the right choice at the right time. The right time is to register yourselves with the FDA approved cord banks before the delivery of your child. Once registered, you need to inform the cord blood bank about the expected delivery date and time, so that one of the representatives from the cord blood bank can come and collect the precious umbilical cord blood. The bank representative stores the collected umbilical cord blood in a special collection kit to be taken to the laboratory for preserving it with a high quality process so that it can be used at the time of emergency to secure your baby from any critical illness. Come out and feel the difference of, giving a gift of amazing cord tissue benefits to your baby!

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Are You Aware of Cord Tissue Benefits?

Published November 6, 2014 by John

In this modern and technological world, medical industry incorporates latest innovations in order to cure diseases and save patients’ lives. Cord blood therapy is one such innovation. There are many cord tissue benefits. It can heal more than 80 life-threatening diseases. If we conduct a medical checkup of people around us, we will find that most of the people are suffering from diabetes, cancers, blood disorders and other critical diseases. Till recent years we didn’t have any permanent medical treatment for curing these diseases.  But with the innovation of cord blood therapy, we can now cure these diseases permanently. In view of the greater cord tissue benefits, people have accepted umbilical cord blood therapy with both hands. This therapy helps secure the future of our children’s as well as family members. Therefore, more number of expecting parents has now started consulting gynecologists to gather proper information about the umbilical cord blood.

Cord blood-Nov-2014Through various consultations, expecting parents and family members have now clear-cut ideas about what is cord blood. But, still there are lots of parents who are yet not fully aware about what is cord blood therapy. In simple words, it is nothing but blood found in the navel cord of the new born child. During the time of child birth, doctors separate the baby from the mother cutting the umbilical cord. After the process of bisection, we store the blood from the umbilical cord for future medical purpose. With the help of these stem cells, we can now generate new cells in the human body. The damaged cells in the patient’s body can be easily repaired by using cord tissue therapy.

Once the doctors or the laboratory specialists have collected cord blood from newborn baby’s umbilical cord blood, they hand it over to the concerned persons for storing it in the cord blood banks. Due to the increasing demand for storing the cord blood tissues, banks have started offering great cord blood banking discount with quality services for preserving baby’s precious stem cells in clean and well protected rooms. The FDA approved cord blood laboratories understand the importance of cord blood tissues and so take special care while handling the same. Expecting parents are ready to incur the expenses after availing the great cord blood banking discounts in order to secure the newborn babies’ future against deadly illnesses. So, secure your baby’s future health at reasonable rates!

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Stem Cell Research helps cure serious diseases

Published September 15, 2014 by John

The days have gone when it was not possible to treat the deadly diseases. The team of researchers had worked hard and shown incredible stem cell research. The finding says that with the help of cord tissue, the doctors are now able to cure more than 80 serious diseases like Diabetes, Cancer, Bone Marrow and others. The incredible stem cell research has gifted the expectant parents the future-health of their newborn babies. Really, it is a matter of pride and joy for the humanity that it is now possible to save a patient through his/her own stem cells because few years ago these cells were regarded as the medical wastage.

The specially trained technician collects the umbilical cord blood and preserves it under the besttemperature so that it can be used for qualityaround 15 years. Just after the birth of an infant, the collection process of the umbilical cord blood hardly takes 15-20 minutes and it is absolutely painless for the mother and a newborn baby. But, you must register to the cord blood banking for storing the natural resource of life of your baby.

Today, many cord blood banks are offering excellent storage facilities because of unbelievable cord tissue benefits. The very first benefit of the cord blood is it saves your child’s health. Also, through it many illnesses can be treated and the patient’s life can be saved. Without any doubt, the cord tissue benefits are tremendous and incomparable to any of the drugs or medicine in treating critical bodily problems. The FDA has given approval to many private cord blood banks. These banks provide quality storage rooms for preserving this natural source in its original form. Live peacefully being a proud member of the cord bank and secure your family’s future- health with a wise investment. Special gift for the special ones!

See More About Cord Blood:

Cord Tissue Benefits

Published September 12, 2014 by John

If you are thinking for a healthy and secured life for your child, it is the right time to consult the reputed stem cell banking company. But, this process can only be done at the time of delivery of your baby. So, if you are with child, do not wait for a single second. You can take authSepentic information about the reputed stem cell banking company from your physician or the gynecologist. As soon as the umbilical cord is cut, the left blood in the cord is taken safely for preservation is called the umbilical cord blood. The quality banks have been approved by the FDA, so they provide ultra-modern services for long-term storage of your baby’s cord tissue.

The natural cord blood is one of the precious gifts any parents give to their children. And the reasonis, it has the abundance potentiality to heal more than 80 diseases. With the help of the natural cord blood, a patient or a sibling can be saved from Cancer, Bone Marrow Failure, Blood Disorders, Diabetes, Osteoporosis and immunodeficiency and more. Seeing the positive usage of the stem cells, many parents are getting registered with the accredited banks for securing their family health.

As per the latest updates, the researchers are optimistic about the cord tissue benefits. They say that the future of the umbilical cord therapy is brighter. In America, over 1.1 million people are living with HIV and there are other critical diseases that do not have any vaccination. Therefore, the researchers are investigating deeply and trying to find out more cord tissue benefits so that many lives can be saved through the placenta blood. So, it is better to store your newborn baby’s umbilical cord blood in the supreme stem cell bank for the sake of peace-of-mind. Simply, it is more powerful than the insurance for your family’s future health!

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