Umbilical cord blood

All posts tagged Umbilical cord blood

Banking Your Baby’s Umbilical Cord Blood

Published November 4, 2015 by John

Placenta and umbilical cord are the two crucial support systems of a healthy pregnancy. Placenta not only provides nourishment to the growing fetus but also takes away the waste from the fetus to mother’s system for excretion.  The cord structure that connects placenta to the fetus is called umbilical cord. Known as the lifeline between mother and baby, umbilical cord carries oxygenated blood from placenta to baby through its vein and takes away deoxygenated blood from baby to placenta through its arteries.

Blood present in the umbilical cord, which was once considered as a medical waste, is now known to be a valuable resource. Abundant presence of stem cells in the newborn’s umbilical cord blood (CB) makes it a lifesaving resource and that is why the medical community is encouraging the storage of cord blood stem cells. Used to treat more than 70 types of diseases including leukemia, lymphoma, sickle-cell disease, metabolic disorders and some inherited disorders, newborn’s umbilical cord blood holds a promising future in regenerative medicine therapies.

Several clinical trials are still underway, where scientists and researchers are striving harder to unlock and tap into the potential of cord blood and cord tissue stem cells. Unlike the bone marrow stem cell harvesting, cord blood collection and stem cell banking is a painless procedure that doesn’t require any invasive methods. Easy and quick CB collection carried out immediately after the delivery neither hurts the mother nor the baby. Expectant parents may check out informative cord blood banking videos and webinar sessions to explore the benefits and downsides of CB.

The first successful cord blood stem cell transplant took place in 1988 at Hospital Saint-Louis in Paris. Performed for treating Fanconi’s anemia, this transplantation was a new milestone in the history of stem cell research. The patient was a five year old boy named Matthew Farrow and he received the donor stem cells from his newborn baby sister. Since then, cord blood stem cell banking and donations have reported a surging growth and popularity.

Resource From:All About Umbilical Cord Blood

Importance of Storing or Donating Umbilical Cord Blood

Published July 3, 2015 by John

Over the last decades, stem cell banking has become a significant medical practice for the treatment of a variety of diseases. Bone marrow has been considered as the primary source of stem cells for many years. But with the recent advancements in stem cell research, scientists have found the presence of master cells in the new-born’s umbilical cord blood. In the past, the umbilical cord that act as a lifeline to the baby is cut off and disposed right after the child birth. However, the discovery of perinatal stem cell presence in cord blood and umbilical cord tissue has given it a life-saving status. Since harvesting of umbilical cord tissue and blood is safe, quick and pain-less procedure, cord blood stem cell banking has been gaining immense popularity. Currently, cord blood stem cells are used to treat more than 80 life-threatening diseases which include leukemia, lymphoma and sickle cell disease to name a few.


Families can either bank or donate their baby’s umbilical cord blood (CB) and tissue. Banking CB at a private cord blood bank may cost you a pretty penny, whereas donation to a public bank is absolutely free of cost. If you are an expectant parent, then it is important to educate yourself about the importance and medical benefits of stem cell banking. Do spend enough time in research so that you can get a better understanding about the current therapies and future treatments using CB stem cells. If you have decided to store your baby’s cord blood, then it is important to plan ahead of time. Expectant parents who can’t afford to bank the cord blood at a private facility can think about public donation, as it can save a life. Sick patients who are in need for a stem cell transplant may benefit from your CB donation. So, have a detailed discussion with your doctor and family members in order to take an informed decision.

Resource From:Umbilical Cord Blood – Store or Donate?

Value of Umbilical Cord Blood

Published February 9, 2015 by John

If you are an expecting parent, then you should be aware about the benefits of newborn baby blood cord banking services. In most cases, the umbilical cord is  clamped, cut and discarded as a medical waste. However, the blood present in the umbilical cords and the placentas are rich in stem cells, similar to those found in bone marrow. Used for treating a range of conditions including blood cancers and other genetically inherited disorders, cord blood (CB) possesses an incredible potential to save lives.


Harvesting the newborn umbilical cord blood is as simple as donating blood, which harms neither the mother nor the baby. Soon after the child  birth, the cord will be cut and the clinician will pierce the cord with a needle to draw out the blood into a sterile collection bag.  The sample is then transferred to the bank, where it is processed and frozen in liquid nitrogen for storage.

Expectant parents who are interested in saving the umbilical cord tissue and cord blood should do a detailed research to find the best family cord blood banking facility. Browse the web pages to collect details about the private cord blood banks in and around your vicinity. Or else, seek the recommendations and guidance of your doctor.

Choosing a private baby blood cord banking facility is not an easy task, especially if you have no idea about the factors to look for. Start with the background check. Enquire about their accreditation and reputation in the medical community.  Find out whether they are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for processing and storing the umbilical cord tissue and blood. Make it a point to go through the testimonials and references. Last but not the least, ask about their pricing structure.

If you are not planning to save the newborn’s umbilical cord blood because of the higher banking costs, then consider donating it to the public cord blood banks. Cord blood donated to the public banks will be used for life saving stem cell transplants and research purposes. Since now you are aware of the benefits and options available for using the child’s cord blood, it is up to you to decide whether to discard it or save it.

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Baby Blood Cord Banking – What You Need To Know

Preserve Your Baby’s Umbilical Cord Blood

Published November 19, 2014 by John

Medical researchers have given a marvelous gift of awesome stem cell research. After years of research and hard work, medical researchers have given us a marvelous gift in the form of stem cell research. The stem cell research is a big breakthrough in medical research as it has incredible advantages of rejuvenating patients’ life. A stem cell is an immature cell that can be transplanted into different cells. As per the researchers, stem cells are of two types: adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Stem cells are very important from the viewpoint of medical treatment as they have limitless potential of treating medical health problems. They repair the smashed cells and give life back to millions of patients.

Natural umbilical cord blood is full of rich stem cells. Soon after the birth of a child, the doctor or a representative cord-blood-19-novfrom the stem cell bank collects the cord blood from the placenta in order to store it in the bank for for future health treatments.With the use of natural umbilical cord blood, we can make treatments for many diseases and can recover patients from major diseases like Cancers, diabetes, bone marrow and other serious illnesses. With the fruitful research on the cord blood and cord tissues, medical researchers are now optimistic about its usage in the future for recovering the health of many patients in critical conditions. We are now equipped to find cure for more diseases and save millions of lives every year.

Seeing the amazing cord tissue benefits, expecting parents have started registering themselves with the AABB accredited banks. You can avail the cord tissue benefits only if you make the right choice at the right time. The right time is to register yourselves with the FDA approved cord banks before the delivery of your child. Once registered, you need to inform the cord blood bank about the expected delivery date and time, so that one of the representatives from the cord blood bank can come and collect the precious umbilical cord blood. The bank representative stores the collected umbilical cord blood in a special collection kit to be taken to the laboratory for preserving it with a high quality process so that it can be used at the time of emergency to secure your baby from any critical illness. Come out and feel the difference of, giving a gift of amazing cord tissue benefits to your baby!

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Stem Cell Research helps cure serious diseases

Published September 15, 2014 by John

The days have gone when it was not possible to treat the deadly diseases. The team of researchers had worked hard and shown incredible stem cell research. The finding says that with the help of cord tissue, the doctors are now able to cure more than 80 serious diseases like Diabetes, Cancer, Bone Marrow and others. The incredible stem cell research has gifted the expectant parents the future-health of their newborn babies. Really, it is a matter of pride and joy for the humanity that it is now possible to save a patient through his/her own stem cells because few years ago these cells were regarded as the medical wastage.

The specially trained technician collects the umbilical cord blood and preserves it under the besttemperature so that it can be used for qualityaround 15 years. Just after the birth of an infant, the collection process of the umbilical cord blood hardly takes 15-20 minutes and it is absolutely painless for the mother and a newborn baby. But, you must register to the cord blood banking for storing the natural resource of life of your baby.

Today, many cord blood banks are offering excellent storage facilities because of unbelievable cord tissue benefits. The very first benefit of the cord blood is it saves your child’s health. Also, through it many illnesses can be treated and the patient’s life can be saved. Without any doubt, the cord tissue benefits are tremendous and incomparable to any of the drugs or medicine in treating critical bodily problems. The FDA has given approval to many private cord blood banks. These banks provide quality storage rooms for preserving this natural source in its original form. Live peacefully being a proud member of the cord bank and secure your family’s future- health with a wise investment. Special gift for the special ones!

See More About Cord Blood:

Cord Blood Banking- Affordable Cord Blood Storage Services

Published July 24, 2014 by John

With so many diseases evolving it has become very important to take a close look on certain important things. From the time cord blood banking has been into existence its benefits have not been unknown to anyone. Hence it has become important that we consider this point and all expecting parents must decide to store the stem cells found in the umbilical cord. Umbilical cord banking in California is very popular. People have understood the importance of it and have starting going for stem cell banking. There are many good banks for umbilical cord banking in California. You can ask your doctor to suggest you one in case you have a difficulty in deciding which bank to approach.

logoYour doctor will give recommend you the best bank that deals in storing cord blood in California. These banks need to be contacted in advance to understand your case and to know if there are any complications in your case. This way they will get a clear idea of when they can come and collect the cord blood to extract the stem cells. Umbilical cord blood is the richest source of stem cells. These cells act as saving cells for those patients who are suffering from life-taking diseases. So when you choose a bank that is ready to help you in saving cord blood in California then you need to also make sure it is reputed and has experienced and qualified staff to keep the stem cells in the right way for years in their bank.

If you have done your part of research on the bank then you will surely get the right bank to store the stem cells of your child that will help in the future for any kind of medical assistance. In fact it can be used by the family members too if they are suffering from any disease. Many people also go for family cord in California so that in case any member in the family needs the cord blood cells then they can avail it. This way you can save many lives and also secure your child’s future too.

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Cord blood is a Life savior for Your Family

Published July 4, 2014 by John

Cord blood banking is a must decision that all parents must take while they are expecting parents. All expecting parents must talk to their doctor and take all details about cord blood banking. It is very beneficial for all parents to consider this. This not only saves your child’s life but it will also help to cure your family members if they are suffering from any deadly disease. You can use the stem cells to build new tissues, and organs and give the patient a new life. If you want you can also donate these stem cells so that someone else can use and get a new life.

cord blood bankingThe umbilical cord blood is said to have the maximum amount of stem cells than found in bone marrow. These stems can be preserved for years and can be used at any time in the future to cure your child and other family members when there is an emergency. Cord blood being rich in stem cells was not known to people earlier or else many lives would have been saved. These cells are capable of molding themselves easily in any type of environment in the human body. Indirectly you can say these are the cells that made your baby. This cord blood is collected after the delivery of the baby and after the clamp of the umbilical cord is cut.

This blood is collected in special collection bottles. Then the stem cells are extracted and processed in a way that they can be stored for years without any harm caused to their naturalness and quality. This process is painless and does not harm the baby or the mother in any way. This entire process is done only after the birth of the child and after the clamp is cut if the umbilical cord. So you can be rest assured about the security of the baby and the mother.   In case the doctors find it a risk in any way or see some problems in the delivery, they will say No to the agents. So you can save the cord tissues to create new ones for others.

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Importance of umbilical cord blood banking in today’s Life

Published May 29, 2014 by John

Holding your new born baby in your hands is most delightful feeling, this cute little baby becomes your world. You want to keep your baby away from all harm just like your parents did for you. But are you ready for the new health challenges that will be coming your way. There are so many health related problems that kids have are you ready to face them. Do you have the solutions for them? But there is one solution to most of the health related problems. It is the umbilical cord blood that is loaded with huge amount of stem cells. These stem cells were earlier found in bone marrow but after the invention of the umbilical cord blood stem cells, life of many people has changed.

why baby cord blood

why baby cord blood

These stem cells can be extracted only once and then the remains are discarded forever. So don’t miss the chance to save your baby’s umbilical cord blood. For umbilical cord banking you will have to get connected to a bank that will extract the blood from the placenta and umbilical cord as soon as the baby is delivered because then after sometime the doctors discard the remaining blood. So when you come to know of your delivery time it is important to inform the bank, there are so many cases when the deliveries happen early in that case you need to inform the bank so that they can the process.

The process of umbilical cord blood banking is very simple. After extracting the blood it is processed in a way so that it can be stored for years in the freezer at a fixed temperature so that the originality is not lost and is locked as it is stored in the freezer. These stem cells are stored using the highest technology and most updated resources. It is a good and wise thing to decide to the save umbilical cord blood.

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Miracles through Umbilical cord blood

Published March 21, 2014 by John

There have been so many babies born but very few of us knew the benefits that is there is the umbilical cord blood and the placenta. It was considered as dirty blood or waste and was discarded. But since, people have know the benefits they have made it a point to store the stem cells found in the umbilical cord blood cells. They contact the right bank and make sure that it is stored in the right way for future use. A research found that the stem cells found in the blood of umbilical cord helps to build new blood cells in the body and can help in curing those people who have some deadly diseases.

Stem cells are basically uniform cells that turn into different blood cells. The stem cells collected from Umbilical cord blood has been able to cure more than 70 diseases that had no cure and hope. These are of great help when you want to cure diseases like logocancer, immunity disorders, and lot more. These cells cause no harm to the body while the patient is being treated but when going through some radiation treatment or chemotherapy the cells of the body are destroyed thus making the patient very weak and vulnerable. Earlier to treat patients with these diseases it was difficult to find a bone marrow match but with the invention of stem cells life has become much simpler and people have started valuing life too Read the rest of this entry →

Why donate umbilical cord blood to public banks?

Published February 25, 2014 by John

We all have heard in the news, shows, ads, etc. that stem cell is a very important tool for saving someone’s life. It cures many diseases. It helps in regenerating the entire immune system of the human body for those who are suffering from chronic diseases such as anemia, leukemia or any other system disorder that is a problem to the person having it. We know the uses, but still people hesitate to donate it. We know it’s a life saving tool but still the hesitation is there of donating umbilical cord blood to the public banks.

There are many reasons that parents don’t want to give away their child’s umbilical cord blood to the public banks and they are that there is lack of information, no proper equipments and above all the main reason is they want to store it for their family. This is like a life insurance to most of the families, where if anyone gets sick and is suffering from some chronic blood disease then they can use it as a life saviour. But some studies have shown that donation of umbilical cord blood is not only beneficial to the family but also to the other needy people who cannot opt to store their child’s stem cells. Read the rest of this entry →