why save baby cord blood

All posts tagged why save baby cord blood

Importance of Umbilical Cord Tissue

Published November 24, 2015 by John

Why save baby cord blood? What are its benefits? Is it worth the money? Blood present in the baby’s umbilical cord contains stem cells. Multipotent adult stem cells present in the umbilical cord blood make it a precious resource in the medical and research field. And that is why baby’s cord blood, which was once discarded as medical waste, is now collected and saved for long term storage. The first human transplant using cord stem cells was performed in 1988. It was for treating Fanconi anemia – an inherited disease that mainly affects the bone marrow. Cord blood that was used to treat only one disease at that time can now treat nearly 80 diseases.


Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) present in the baby cord blood can be used to restore the damaged blood cells in our body. Developed from mesodermal hemangioblast cells, HSCs are self-renewing progenitor cells that has the potential to generate multitude of cell types found in the blood stream including red blood cells, white blood cells and megakaryocytes. Hematologic and nonhematologic cancers, autoimmune disorders, various forms of anemia and immunodeficiency disorders can be treated with the cord blood Hematopoietic stem cell transplants (HSCTs). Why cord blood stem cell transplants are gaining wide acceptance in the medical community? Cord blood stem cell transplants require a less-stringent HLA match and carry a lower risk of graft-vs-host disease. Moreover, the transplant outcomes are more effective and better with cord blood applications when compared to other transplant methods.

Stem cells are not only present in the cord blood, but also in the surrounding tissue.  Umbilical cord tissue is a rich source of Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). This type of multipotent connective tissue cells can develop into a variety of cell types such as bone cells, cartilage cells, muscle cells and fat cells. Many scientists are striving harder to discover the cord tissue benefits and applications. Currently research and clinical trials are going on to better understand the potential of cord tissue. According to the scientists, cord tissue MSCs can be used to treat Liver fibrosis, Parkinson’s disease, Rheumatoid arthritis and lung cancer to name a few.

Resource From:Why Save Your Baby’s Cord Blood?

Things You Need to Bear in Mind When Banking Umbilical Cord Blood and Tissue

Published October 6, 2015 by John

Cord blood banking has become an increasingly discussed topic among the expectant parents. Blood that remains in the placenta and umbilical cord is termed as cord blood or CB. Why save baby cord blood? Since this blood is rich in stem cells, it can be used for life-saving transplants and regenerative medicine research. Cord blood was used for the first time in 1988, in order to cure Fanconi Anemia. And from that time onwards, there was no looking back as several breakthroughs happened in the field of stem cell research. Currently cord blood is used to treat more than 80 life threatening conditions which include but are not limited to blood disorders, metabolic disorders, immunodeficiencies and certain types of cancer. On the other hand, the medical applications of umbilical cord tissue are yet to be discovered. Several clinical trials are underway exploring the potential applications and benefits of umbilical cord tissue.


Expectant parents who wish to insure the health of their baby opt for private cord blood banking services. If you are contemplating with the idea of banking your new-born’s cord blood, then there are a few things you need to bear in mind. Banking your baby’s cord blood in a family cord blood bank is going to cost you a pretty penny. And that is why it is essential to research about various private cord blood banking prices. Planning ahead and conducting detailed research can help you choose a reputed family cord blood bank. Enquiring about the accreditation, facilities and banking costs of the bank is important. If the private cord blood banking prices are out of your budget range, then you think about donating your new-born’s CB to a public bank. Donations to a public cord blood bank are used for life-saving stem cell transplants and medical research purposes. Either way, you are making a valuable contribution to the mankind.

Originally Published:Why Save Baby Cord Blood and How to Bank it?

Cord Blood Banking – A New Postpartum Trend

Published July 30, 2015 by John

Have you heard about the stem cell research? If yes, then you might be familiar with its remarkable benefits and recent developments. Discovery of stem cell presence in the umbilical cord blood was a major milestone in the field of stem cell research. In the past, umbilical cord and placenta were discarded right after the child birth, as it was considered as medical waste. But things have changed now. Have you been wondering why save your baby’s cord blood? Stem cells present in the new-born’s cord blood have remarkable potential to treat numerous life-threatening diseases. Currently, cord blood stem cells are used in therapy regimens for the treatment of cancer, sickle-cell anaemia, genetic diseases, marrow failure and more. Moreover, several trials and research works are underway exploring the promising applications of umbilical cord blood.


Even though cord blood (CB) is a potentially lifesaving resource, majority of the expectant parents chose to throw it away postpartum. Umbilical cord blood banking and donation is a relatively new concept that is surrounded by several set of misconceptions. This can be considered as one of the reasons that result in the disposal of umbilical cord and placenta.  However, if the expectant parents are knowledgeable about the benefits of saving their baby’s cord blood, then they might think about banking or donating the CB. Parents who find it hard to afford the private cord blood banking prices may consider donating CB to a public bank. Your baby’s cord blood may serve as a life-saving option for a cancer patient.

Some parents question about the safety of cord blood collection. However, the truth is that cord blood collection is a painless, safe and quick procedure that neither hurts the mother nor the baby. When you sign up for private banking or public donation, a collection kit will be provided. Blood is drawn to this sterile collection bag and sent to the laboratory for cryogenic preservation.  No matter whether you plan to donate or bank your baby’s cord blood, make it a point to collect as much information as possible and have an in-depth understanding regarding the same.

Resource From:Addressing the Misconceptions about Cord Blood Banking

Why Save Cord Blood?

Published December 24, 2014 by John

Stem cell research, an all time controversial topic has witnessed a new development with the discovery of stem cell presence in the umbilical cord blood. Broadly classified into either adult or embryonic, stem cells have a remarkable potential of renewing themselves. Where the embryonic stem cells (ESC) possess a far greater differentiation potential in becoming the cell of any human body, the adult stem cells on the other hand are  partly committed to different cell fates. However, scientists have been striving hard to reprogram the functionalities of adult cells thereby making these cells suitable for treating different diseases. The  real challenge faced by the scientists is to collect adult stem cells, which is very rare in the mature tissues. But with the recent discovery about the existence of adult stem cells in umbilical cord blood, many doctors and researchers are now supporting the choice of banking it.

Umbilical cord and placenta which were  thrown away post the child birth until recently, have now turned out to be of valuable resource for medical research and life saving treatments. Public and private banking choices are available for preserving the umbilical cord. Parents who can’t afford the expensive cord blood pricing of private banks can donate the valuable stem cell enriched cord blood to the public banks. Donated cord blood will be used for transplants and medical research purposes.  Extracting the umbilical cord blood is a harmless procedure that  neither harms the mother  nor the new born. Storing the cord tissue and blood at a competitive cord blood pricing in private banks will be a long term investment for your child’s future.

If you are still wondering why save baby cord blood, here are some reasons you should know. Stem cells found in the cord blood have a remarkable potential to treat many forms of cancer, inherited metabolic disorders and other debilitating diseases. Even doctors prefer collecting cord blood as an alternative to bone marrow for stem cell transplant because it doesn’t require a perfect match and is less invasive. Families, especially with a genetic history of any sort of disorders are strongly advised to bank the umbilical cord tissue and blood. Stem cell research, being an ongoing field of research has been exploring groundbreaking ways to harness the healing power of cord blood.

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Why Save Baby Cord Blood?

What is cord blood?

Published December 4, 2014 by John

With the success in the research of placenta blood therapy, researchers have now achieved a big mile stone in medical science. Many among us still do not have a clear knowledge about what is cord blood. In simple lay man words, cord blood is the blood found in the umbilical cord. It is a sample of blood that is taken from a baby’s naval cord after its birth. Once the child is born the obstetrician cuts the cord connecting the baby with its mother. The blood found in the umbilical cord or the placenta after separating the baby from its mother is known as cord blood. It is very important for any expecting parent to know what is cord blood before deciding to preserve their child’s s cord blood at any stem cell bank. Unlike other cord banks, we at provide our customers with the truthful information about the stem cells and cord tissue therapy.


For us, each and every expecting parent is of high importance. Not because they invest bucks at our umbilical cord blood banking laboratory, but because they have taken the right and significant decision of gifting the most precious gift to their children’s, we firmly believe that an investment in cord blood banking is a worthwhile step as it simply means to secure your little baby’s future health against 80 deadly diseases including diabetes, bone marrow failure, blood disorders, cancers and many other. CariCord is one of its kind cord tissue banking laboratory that has 10,000 clean and well maintained hygienic rooms for preserving your baby’s cord tissues for more than 15 years at quite reasonable rates.

Hopefully you would have now clearly understood the answer to the question, why save baby’s cord blood? By storing the cord tissues, you are simply securing the health of all your family members. Stem cell therapy offers immense advantages which we never had before. We lost many of our loved one in the past years due to infections from deadly incurable diseases. But now with the success in umbilical therapy, we now have the facility of protecting our loved ones. Also, with the help of stem cells, we can now successfully replace the damaged cells with new cells, providing a lease of life to the patient’s. So, don’t you think this therapy is very powerful and has the potential of securing your families health against any critical medical situation! Many expecting parents have understood its importance and have started registering themselves with FDA approved cord banks like CariCord, without having any doubts about why save baby’s cord blood. The ball is now in your court. Your one decision with a small investment can secure the future health of your precious children’s and loved ones.

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Why you need to save your baby’s cord blood?

The stem cell research uncovers cord blood potential

Published September 1, 2014 by John

As time passes, the researchers come out with new discoveries and inventions with a view to helping the human beings. The absolute stem cell research shows fruitful findings in the medical field and it says that the umbilical cord blood can restructure the damaged cells in the human body and can rejuvenate life. It is really a matter of pride that today; the health-providers are able to cope up with the major 80 serious diseases because of the absolute stem cell research ,such as Blood disorders, Cancers, Diabetes, Bone marrow failure and others. After investing infinite time, the team of researchers says that umbilical cord blood therapy has come as a hope for the whole mankind and it can treat more diseases in near future.

9In previous years, the placenta or the umbilical cord blood was regarded as useless and the medical wastage. However, the dedicated hours of medical study have clearly declared that if the umbilical cord blood is preserved in its natural form it can cure more than 80 critical illnesses. This has given the birth of cord banking. In the United States of America, the parents store the stem cells into the cord banks and become worry-free from the family-health.

However, still people are not aware about the medical innovation. They even do not know why to save baby’s cord blood. But, as soon as they consult the physicians or the gynecologists, the expectant parents would register their membership in any of the FDA approved cord banking. And these cord banks provide free of charge consultation and explain about its benefits of storing and saving the child’s future-health.  Once the parents come to know about the benefits of it, they don’t again ask why to save baby’s cord blood in a bank. The cells are the natural source of life and they create new cells in the body and also repair the damaged cells and give life back to a patient.

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Must Read Reasons for saving Baby umbilical cord blood

Published August 12, 2014 by John

There are many cord tissue banks available all over the town and in the nation. Since it has been developed and individuals have got information of its advantages they have made it sure to protect these tissues. In the historical days the blood that came out from the child’s umbilical cord used to be regarded as waste, had they been aware of its advantages and uses the world would have been filled these cord tissues and there would have been many baby cord banks across the country and in every city. After the researcher did some assessments and discovered out that the stem cells can develop new tissues in the body it has become easier for them to treat the individuals affected by dangerous illnesses.

Opting for cord blood banking is a very good and great idea. If you think your close relatives members will never need it then it would be a2 kind action to the humanity if you provide it to the public banks. They can help the desperate endure and give them a new life. With the help of the stem cells discovered in the baby’s umbilical cord now the doctors can treat those who are affected by the leukemia disease, resistance issues, renal efficient issues, etc. These tissues develop new tissues and help the affected person restore soon. Thus all anticipating mother or father should think of preserving child cable blood vessels for upcoming use. As you never know what is going to happen next.

Life is very valuable but at times some individuals are hit with such illnesses or have some major injuries where the possibilities of their survival are very little. Here is where the baby umbilical cord tissues will work for you, your child or any friend. It will not only treat the affected person but will help him restore from such life-threatening sickness.

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Why importance a baby umbilical cord?

Published July 8, 2014 by John

A baby umbilical cord is the main source through which the child in the womb gets nutrients, food, blood, oxygen and water. All that is sent through the umbilical cord is directly linked to the baby. This is the one connection between the child and mother. During her pregnancy every woman eats very healthy food and make sure to take the necessary supplements so that they have a healthy baby, because all they eat directly affects their child. This baby umbilical cord blood has a rich source of stem cells, that can be extracted after the birth of the child. This process is safe and easy, it takes just a few minutes.

Many people ask that why save baby cord blood. It is very important to save the baby cord blood because it is like a life insurance that will safeguard your child in the future from any kind of health related problems. Research has proved that these stem cells help to cure cancer type diseases. These were earlier found only in bone marrow and were difficult to find a perfect match but with the invention of umbilical cord stem cells saving lives of such people has become very easy. If the match is not perfect, you don’t need to worry as even a slight match can help in starting the treatment. With the ability to grow into new tissues and organs you can also get heart and kidney related diseases cured with stem cell. This is the answer to all those who asked why save baby cord blood.

There are special baby cord blood bank where you can store the stem cells for at least 15 years. While you are choosing the baby cord bank make sure to read all the term & conditions so there are no loop holes in the between. Don’t miss to read even a single page of the agreement so that they don’t bluff you later on. Also keep a copy of the same to prove your terms of agreement in case of any ambiguities in the future.

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What are the major benefits of Stem Cells?

Published April 25, 2014 by John

What is Stem cell research?

This is one question that most of the people ask when they hear about it. The same question comes up in different styles with different reasons. But still some have not got the answers. What is stem cell research exactly? It is basically a scientific communication that is done with the stem cells. They are popular for providing aid to those people who are suffering from various life threatening diseases. These cells are used to do some research on these patients to give them new life as these cells have the ability to multiply and build new cells and tissues.

What are the Benefits of Stem Cells?

The benefits of stem cells are in abundance, you cannot really define it. These cells are acting like God to many as they build new tissues and cells in the body of human beings taking shape of any organ and being able to do any function that the organs do thus giving them a new start for a new life. These stems are created when an egg is fertilizes through the sperm cells. The specialty of the stem cells is that they can create another cell thus developing new cells in the body of the patient. These are best found in the umbilical cord that is attached to the fetus. The other benefits of stem cells is that they can be stored for years and can be used for any other family member when they are struck with some severe illness or disease.

How to Choose the Right baby cord bank?

After the expecting parents decide to store the stem cells they need to approach a baby cord bank. Parents have to be very careful by choosing a bank to store their baby’s stem cells. They should find out which baby cord bank has the best facilities and equipments to process and store the stem cells for years without causing any damage to them. You can search online to see the reviews of the banks you think are good. And the one that has the maximum positive reviews you can approach them. They at the time of delivery will extract the blood from the umbilical cord blood and process it to get the stem cells so that they can store them.

Caricord is a trustworthy and reputed baby cord bank that helps the expecting mother to save the stem cells of her baby for years till they need it. They process the cells with utmost care by the experienced staff and store it in the best required conditions. You can get more information about them from https://caricord.com/.

Best Ways of Dealing with baby cord blood

Published March 21, 2014 by John

The Baby cord blood is the blood that is extracted from the umbilical cord after the birth of your child. It is a proven by the medical practitioners that the blood in the umbilical is very rich has rich stem cells that help in Building Blood Cells in the human body. Along with the cord, placenta and the tissues around it are also rich in stem cells. This collection of the blood to get best quality of stem cells is safe, painless and does not have kind of side effects on the new born baby and the mother.

why baby cord blood

why baby cord blood

The baby cord blood is like a life savior for those might loose their lives because of some incurable diseases. These blood cells are capable of fighting the deadly diseases by generating new blood cells and removing the bad and dirty ones. Thus it is a good decision to save the baby blood which is usually considered as waste and thrown away. You have to deal with this in some simple ways. You should not throw away the baby blood which we have been doing for many years. Instead save it and while your are an expectant parent register with some good blood bank so that they are available when you are delivering your baby to collect the blood cells. They collect the blood, process it and store it for years till you need it for some use. Read the rest of this entry →